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We design and build products from excess fabrics and waste.
Diese Arbeit zeigt anhand von drei exemplarischen Produkten wie reparierbares Produktdesign aussieht. Zehn Richtlinien klären dabei über notwendige Vorraussetzungen auf und motivieren Nutzende, sich selbst an der Reparatur zu versuchen.
Finding Function In Unexpected Places.
We are an international collective that develops online educational resources in the field of zero waste design and systems thinking for fashion.
Next day grocery delivery
from local sustainable shops
from local sustainable shops
The project explored the current circular electronics ecosystem of Berlin and identified near-future directions that the city of Berlin could pursue to increase circularity.
Created by the Zero Waste Cities programme within Zero Waste Europe, this report is a
celebration of these pioneering zero waste municipalities. It is a recognition of the leaders
and communities who have recognised the urgency of the crisis we face, and have acted
upon this. From 2007 when the first zero waste municipality was born in Capannori, Italy,
the movement has continued to grow. The variety and number of zero waste municipalities
in Europe today proves that it is an approach which can be successfully applied in a range
of diverse contexts. Whilst the Zero Waste Cities programme has nearly 400 municipalities
who have committed to our vision of zero waste, there are several good practices that tackle
certain issues or policies happening outside of our municipalities within our programme that
this report will also highlight.
celebration of these pioneering zero waste municipalities. It is a recognition of the leaders
and communities who have recognised the urgency of the crisis we face, and have acted
upon this. From 2007 when the first zero waste municipality was born in Capannori, Italy,
the movement has continued to grow. The variety and number of zero waste municipalities
in Europe today proves that it is an approach which can be successfully applied in a range
of diverse contexts. Whilst the Zero Waste Cities programme has nearly 400 municipalities
who have committed to our vision of zero waste, there are several good practices that tackle
certain issues or policies happening outside of our municipalities within our programme that
this report will also highlight.
The report ‘New Business Models Cutting Back on Single-Use Plastic’ written by Mariel Vilella, with a collaboration between Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) and the Sustainable Consumption Institute of the University of Manchester, explores examples of successful zero waste business models in Southeast Asia, their greatest challenges, achievements and their level of impact. Looking at the lessons learnt from successful zero waste businesses in the Global South is critical to respond to the growing pressure of international plastic production and trade, while it also challenges the prejudices that too often blame poverty and migration for environmental problems.
GAIA is a worldwide alliance of more than 800 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in over 90 countries whose ultimate vision is a just, toxic-free world without incineration.
A consortium of NGOs, science and business formulated a DIN SPEC on a zero waste vision for companies. During the one-year development process of the DIN SPEC, Laura Grotenrath represented Circular Berlin as a delegate of the coordinating body for standardization work of environmental associations (Koordinierungsstelle für Normierungsarbeit der Umweltverbände/ KNU)
Die Material Mafia ist ein soziales Unternehmen, dass Reststoffe aus der Industrie, von Messen, Ausstellungen und der Kreativbranche als wertvolle Ressource ansieht und diese der Wiederverwendung zugänglich machen möchte.
The data is clear– zero waste creates over 200x as many jobs as landfills and incinerators! Let’s stop throwing away the chance to create thousands of good jobs. It’s time for our leaders to invest in solutions that work for us and our planet.
Zero Waste City: Екскурсія містом без відходів
This beginners guide has been developed to support municipalities and community stakeholders who are interested in zero waste. This guide provides an entry-level understanding on what zero waste is and how a zero waste strategy for your community can be designed and implemented. Specifically, this guide has been designed to:
1. Waste prevention and preparation for reuse.
2. Simpler collection models and systems that are more integrated and adapted to the various urban and socio-economic environments.
3. Making the organic fraction the central focus of waste management.
4. Waste management and prevention in the business, commercial and service sectors.
5. A Green Point network offering more services adapted to all groups of residents.
6. Design, production and consumption criteria that are innovative and favourable to the circular economy.
7. Regulations and taxes that provide incentives for prevention, recovery and reuse, with the internalisation of collection and treatment costs.
8. Communication and education to foster the new culture of consumption, prevention and selective collection, in order to stimulate the general public's involvement.
9. Participation networks with social and civil society organisations that are in favour of waste prevention and reuse.
10. Municipal exemplariness regarding prevention, selective collection, reuse and recovery of resources.
2. Simpler collection models and systems that are more integrated and adapted to the various urban and socio-economic environments.
3. Making the organic fraction the central focus of waste management.
4. Waste management and prevention in the business, commercial and service sectors.
5. A Green Point network offering more services adapted to all groups of residents.
6. Design, production and consumption criteria that are innovative and favourable to the circular economy.
7. Regulations and taxes that provide incentives for prevention, recovery and reuse, with the internalisation of collection and treatment costs.
8. Communication and education to foster the new culture of consumption, prevention and selective collection, in order to stimulate the general public's involvement.
9. Participation networks with social and civil society organisations that are in favour of waste prevention and reuse.
10. Municipal exemplariness regarding prevention, selective collection, reuse and recovery of resources.
In the city, there are various events where people can exchange items that they no longer use but which are in a good state of repair. Other people may be able to give these items a new lease of life. This is the case with the municipal programmes "Renew your wardrobe" and "Revamp your toys", which are part of the 2012-2020 Waste Prevention Plan. This establishes strategies that foster a more efficient, rational use of resources, the reuse and recycling of objects and the prevention of waste generation.
L'Ajuntament de Barcelona ha creat el Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020, per tal d'avançar i establir noves estratègies concretes que potenciïn un ús més eficient i racional dels recursos i un impuls a la prevenció de generació de residus, la reutilització i el reciclatge.
El Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020 té la missió de fomentar la reducció de deixalles a la ciutat involucrant tots els agents implicats (ciutadania, empreses, comerços, entitats, associacions i administracions).
El Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020 té la missió de fomentar la reducció de deixalles a la ciutat involucrant tots els agents implicats (ciutadania, empreses, comerços, entitats, associacions i administracions).
The Zero Waste Strategy adopted in 2016 aims to improve the quality of recycled products and, more specifically, of organic matter. This is to be done by reducing the amount of waste produced, reusing products and efficient recycling of waste. And all this in accordance with the motto of the Zero Waste Strategy: the best waste is the one that isn't created in the first place.