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This IoO project explores and documents efforts to form free, open source alternatives to corporate cloud infrastructures, especially through cooperative business models.
Webarchitects is a Sheffield based, small and friendly, multi-stakeholder co-operative which has been providing ethical and green, web hosting, virtual servers and GNU/Linux sysadmin support services for over 20 years.
See our server status page for the latest news regarding the status of our systems and please get in touch if you have any issues, questions or think we might be able to provide a service to you.
See our server status page for the latest news regarding the status of our systems and please get in touch if you have any issues, questions or think we might be able to provide a service to you.
MaadiX is an easy and intuitive tool for managing your own server without the need for any technical know-how
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<3 openvpn!
único detalhe: usar o comando como "owncloud://" e não "ownclouds://" em servidor sem SSL