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Circular economy business models in the electronics sector such as rental, second hand and repair are rapidly gaining importance as they aim to reduce resource consumption by optimizing product use. However, it remains difficult to quantify the actual positive impact of these models and there is currently no standardized approach.
The „Undress Project“, implemented and led by Circularity in collaboration with Systemiq and Fraunhofer IZM and 12 industry partners, and supported by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and Deloitte, sets out to develop a methodological framework and practical guide to assess the environmental impact of circular business models for the case of consumer electronics. This project will provide much-needed key insights for the transition to a truly sustainable circular economy, with the electronics sector leading the way.
The „Undress Project“, implemented and led by Circularity in collaboration with Systemiq and Fraunhofer IZM and 12 industry partners, and supported by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and Deloitte, sets out to develop a methodological framework and practical guide to assess the environmental impact of circular business models for the case of consumer electronics. This project will provide much-needed key insights for the transition to a truly sustainable circular economy, with the electronics sector leading the way.
Afinal, o que mudou no Brasil com a PNRS? Os avanços que tivemos foram realmente significativos?
The project explored the current circular electronics ecosystem of Berlin and identified near-future directions that the city of Berlin could pursue to increase circularity.
Other names
Junkpunk, Scavenged Punk, Scrappunk
Evan Calder Williams
Related aesthetics
Soft Apocalypse
Salvagepunk (also known as Junkpunk or Scavenged Punk) is a stylized setting that focuses on technology and culture based on an unusual source: scavenged junk. Weapons, tools, clothing, and sometimes entire cities will be built out of repurposed/recycled materials. A key factor here is that said materials, often pieces of trash, are being used for something other than their original purpose (as opposed to simply being repaired and reused).
Other names
Junkpunk, Scavenged Punk, Scrappunk
Evan Calder Williams
Related aesthetics
Soft Apocalypse
Salvagepunk (also known as Junkpunk or Scavenged Punk) is a stylized setting that focuses on technology and culture based on an unusual source: scavenged junk. Weapons, tools, clothing, and sometimes entire cities will be built out of repurposed/recycled materials. A key factor here is that said materials, often pieces of trash, are being used for something other than their original purpose (as opposed to simply being repaired and reused).
Our mighty engineers breathe life into used devices. Purchasing refurbished electronics saves you money while doing right by the planet. Winners all around.
Hemos preparado esta colección de vídeos, artículos de prensa y blogs en los que aparece el Repair Café Madrid por si eres periodista o estás documentando algo sobre los repair cafés.
In this video I'll be showing you several different things you can make from old, dead laptops!
The lifecycle of your phone has big impacts on the planet.
The Internet of Things (IoT) and ubiquitous computing are leading to an increase in objects with a short lifespan - either through breakage, “bricking” by the manufacturer, or discontinued use by the owner. This website documents a virtual workshop that took place as part of ACM DIS 2020, which explored how the configuration of values (e.g., functional, emotional, sentimental and environmental) designed into IoT objects influences the end-user practices of disposal, recycling and upcycling after these objects become defunct or obsolete. Through this lens, we considered potential design strategies that can be instilled during the process of design, to support the continuity of the material life of IoT objects after their “death”.
Managing waste starts with avoiding waste by repairing products. But often manufacturers’ ‘Technological Protection Measures’ prevent repair.
How can we encourage repair rather than simply the throwing out broken objects and devices?
How can we encourage repair rather than simply the throwing out broken objects and devices?
The project’s main output will be an integrated approach to supporting citizen repair: a digital infrastructure that supports self-repair, repairing together (in repair cafés or repair centres), and repairing with professional support. To sustain this infrastructure beyond the project lifetime, business and policy models will be developed with a view to setting up a European Open Repair Data Platform.
The novel way to tackle waste from electrical and electronic goods is to encourage the public to make use of local repair cafes and workshops which are increasingly popular on the continent. Here, individuals can access 3D printers and specifications for parts to repair their machines and devices thus taking away the need to replace with a new product and so empowering individuals to ‘citizen repair’.
Unsere Smartphones sind schon durch mehrere Länder gereist bis wir sie in unseren Händen halten. Außerdem sind Ressourcen und Abfälle angefallen, um das Handy herzustellen. Wir zeigen dir die unsichtbaren Abfälle des Smartphones und was du tun kannst, um sie zu reduzieren.
We are investing £1million in projects that aim to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, batteries or WEEE through innovation or research in the UK. This page tells you everything you need to know to apply.
Projetar aparelhos com defeitos e peças pouco duráveis para que o consumidor tenha de comprar novamente. É a obsolescência programada, uma prática que nos leva a um beco sem saída