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CIVICS é um primeiro mapa de inovação cidadã que os cidadãos desenvolvem na América Latina todos os dias. É uma ferramenta digital de automatismo em formato de agenda-geolocalizada onde encontrar e adicionar toda a inovação cidadã que existe em nossas cidades, localizar seus eventos associados e participar deles.CIVICS é a ferramenta de mapeamento que possui mais informações sobre a situação atual da inovação cidadã.
A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform.
surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+. It is able to display websites and follow links. It supports the XEmbed protocol which makes it possible to embed it in another application. Furthermore, one can point surf to another URI by setting its XProperties.
Antes dos anos 90 a Internet havia sido criada por um cientista chamado Tim Berners-Lee, em seu começo a internet não possuía muitas páginas e as que existiam eram carregadas de textos, muitas vezes chatos. Nessa época a internet era privilégio para acadêmicos, pesquisadores e cientistas, até que um homem teve a visão de que a Internet um dia poderia ser acessada por todos em qualquer lugar no mundo e que poderíamos usá-la como parte de nossas vidas, com isso Marc Andreessen começou a produzir sua grande ideia. Junto com amigos da faculdade, buscando facilitar o uso com inclusão de fotos, imagens e recursos de áudio e vídeo, em 1993 surge o primeiro navegador da Internet, o Mosaic, que foi distribuído gratuitamente em sua versão beta e logo se tornou febre. Então um homem de nome no vale do silício chamado Jim Clark percebeu que isso seria um grande investimento. Mesmo com o crescimento, nem todo mundo conseguiu ter essa visão e entre estas pessoas estava Bill Gates co-criador da grande e poderosa Microsoft. Então Jim Clark se reuniu com os criadores do Mosaic para firmar um acordo que seria e foi um dos grandes acontecimentos para a Internet. Em 13 de outubro de 1994 surge o navegador Netscape, que se tornaria um grande pesadelo na vida da Microsoft, pois se tornou conhecida mundialmente e uma empresa muito valorizada economicamente. E mesmo a Microsoft possuindo o MSN (Microsoft Network) não era suficiente contra a Natscape. Bill Gates começa a tramar várias formas para acabar com a Natscape de qualquer jeito, mesmo de forma antiética. Em meio a essas tentativas ocorreu uma misteriosa reunião que é contada de várias formas, pela Microsoft sendo como uma reunião simples com uma conversa descontraída e pela Netscape que foi algo tenso com a Microsoft tentando forçá-la a se vender ou sofrer com o poder da Microsoft copiando suas ideias. Tanto que após a reunião a Netscape junto de Gary Reback, advogado muito conhecido por estar por trás de vários processos contra a Microsoft, começam a procurar uma forma de processá-la por Antitruste (É a Lei que se destina a punir práticas anti-competitivas que usam o poder de mercado para restringir a produção e aumentar preços, de modo a não atrair novos competidores ou eliminar a concorrência) mas que inicialmente não deu em nada. Em 1995 a Microsoft acabou batendo a Netscape com a criação do Internet Explorer 4 e sendo uma empresa de grande poder ela poderia distribuir seu novo navegador gratuitamente junto a seu sistema operacional que logo foi aderido por mais de 80% da população deixando a Netscape em grandes problemas financeiros, que no final acabou sendo comprada por outra empresa AOL (América On-line). Por ter saído triunfante, a Microsoft não esperava que fosse levada a mais uma grande batalha. O Governo dos Estados Unidos que deixou de ver Bill Gates como herói e passou a enxergá-lo como um terrorista de alta tecnologia juntamente com várias empresas, em especial a Netscape, em setembro de 1998 leva a Microsoft aos tribunais, acusado-a de infringir as leis de antitruste. A Microsoft acabou sendo condenada e obrigada a ser dividida e a reduzir sua economia em US$ 30 Bilhões de dólares, porém, a justiça alegando que a sentença foi severa demais, voltou atrás em sua decisão.
An Open Source Smart Phone Supported by All Major Linux Phone Projects
Perhaps you’re in a line of work where security is a must, or a hard-core Linux enthusiast, or perhaps you’ve just got enough of Android and iOS and you’re ready for something else – the PinePhone may be the next Phone for you. Powered by the same quad-core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit SoC used in our popular PINE A64 Single Board Computer, the PinePhone runs mainline Linux as well as anything else you’ll get it to run.
The purpose of the PinePhone isn’t only to deliver a functioning Linux phone to end-users, but also to actively create a market for such a device, as well as to support existing and well established Linux-on-Phone projects. All major Linux Phone-oriented projects, as well as other FOSS OS’, are represented on the PinePhone and developers work together on our platform to bring support this this community driven device.
Perhaps you’re in a line of work where security is a must, or a hard-core Linux enthusiast, or perhaps you’ve just got enough of Android and iOS and you’re ready for something else – the PinePhone may be the next Phone for you. Powered by the same quad-core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit SoC used in our popular PINE A64 Single Board Computer, the PinePhone runs mainline Linux as well as anything else you’ll get it to run.
The purpose of the PinePhone isn’t only to deliver a functioning Linux phone to end-users, but also to actively create a market for such a device, as well as to support existing and well established Linux-on-Phone projects. All major Linux Phone-oriented projects, as well as other FOSS OS’, are represented on the PinePhone and developers work together on our platform to bring support this this community driven device.
A Security and Privacy Focused Phone
The Librem 5 represents the opportunity for you to take back control and protect your private information, your digital life through free and open source software, open governance, and transparency.
The Librem 5 represents the opportunity for you to take back control and protect your private information, your digital life through free and open source software, open governance, and transparency.
We build desirable, open source,
privacy-enabled smartphone operating systems.
We are /e/
privacy-enabled smartphone operating systems.
We are /e/
Thinking critically about maps is not just about being conscious of potential harms and pitfalls that come with them, it is also a method of investigation itself. When we question commonly held ideas and points of view, we gain new insights in the process.
Explore how to use local or digital libraries and archives more efficiently and take an in-depth look into their possibilities and resources. From newspaper archives to video repositories, reference interviews to sound archives, learn what these knowledge treasures can offer you in your investigations.
Commonspoly is a non profit, open source board game that encourages a culture of cooperation and questions the violent model of neoliberal privatisation.
Criando Retratos da Cidade - DEAL / Doughnut
Good to see you here in our Project Kamp Academy. This is the place where we share our developments and steps forward to setup Project Kamp. How to research, how to buy land, how to prototype etc. But before we go in depth, here a quick overview where we are currently at.
In this video I'll be showing you several different things you can make from old, dead laptops!
An open source, libre economy is an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration. To get there, OSE is currently developing a set of open source blueprints for the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) – a set of the 50 most important machines that it takes for modern life to exist – everything from a tractor, to an oven, to a circuit maker. In the process of creating the GVCS, OSE intends to develop a modular, scalable platform for documenting and developing open source, libre hardware – including blueprints for both physical artifacts and for related open enterprises.
I wonder if the “finished artefact fallacy” might be at the root of why the foundations of wealthy, cultured Westerners are so obsessed with “saving” things – like traditional knowledges – which they consider to be endangered. Significant sums of money are spent on documenting them and putting them into books, archives and museums, but not into sustaining the complex webs of relationships between people, places and things that are the actual fabric of what the ‘knowledge’ conveys.
This Commons Transition Primer website contains new and adapted texts by P2P Foundation members, including its founder, Michel Bauwens. As part of an ongoing multimedia project/campaign, our intention with this site is to make the P2P Foundation’s core ideas on the Commons and P2P accessible, attractive and shareable for commoners and communities worldwide.
We’ve built some other useful features into this site. Click here to learn more about its structure and distinguishing features.
The Commons Transition Primer website project was coordinated and edited by Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel (except where other authorship is noted). Elena Martínez Vicente led the design and UX, Mercè Moreno Tarrés provided the illustrations, and Javier Arturo Rodriguez took care of the technical details and backend. Thanks are due to David Bollier, Vasilis Kostakis and Rajesh Makwana for reviewing the texts in the “Shorts” section. Special thanks are also due for the technical expertise and last-minute interventions of our colleague, Lisha Sterling.
We’ve built some other useful features into this site. Click here to learn more about its structure and distinguishing features.
The Commons Transition Primer website project was coordinated and edited by Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel (except where other authorship is noted). Elena Martínez Vicente led the design and UX, Mercè Moreno Tarrés provided the illustrations, and Javier Arturo Rodriguez took care of the technical details and backend. Thanks are due to David Bollier, Vasilis Kostakis and Rajesh Makwana for reviewing the texts in the “Shorts” section. Special thanks are also due for the technical expertise and last-minute interventions of our colleague, Lisha Sterling.
LEINN es el grado oficial en Liderazgo Emprendedor e Innovación en el que diseñarás productos y servicios reales, trabajarás con clientes en entornos reales y contrastarás en el mundo lo que aprendes. LEINN hace parte de Mondragon Team Academy MTA, una red global de emprendedores/as en equipo, creada en 2008 con más de 1300 jóvenes emprendedores ubicados en 8 localizaciones en 3 continentes.
In the Basque country of Northern Spain, the Mondragon Corporation—the world’s largest co-operative business enterprise—has found ways to weather economic crises, avoid severe income inequality, and build long-term worker loyalty. Why don’t more businesses follow “the Mondragon model”?