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Every day, people are working to advance society. In their neighborhoods, in their region or around the world. They all aim to achieve the greatest possible social impact.
But what exactly is social impact? How can it be measured? Or even planned?
This website sheds light on these matters – to help you do a better job of doing good. Step by step. Everything here is barrier-free, free of charge, and there is no need to register.
But what exactly is social impact? How can it be measured? Or even planned?
This website sheds light on these matters – to help you do a better job of doing good. Step by step. Everything here is barrier-free, free of charge, and there is no need to register.
This report identifies the model of Clusters of Social and Ecologic Innovation (CSEI) and explores their presence across the European Union. The analysis had the following objectives: 1) To obtain a socioeconomic characterisation of the CSEI concept; 2) To identify and analyse the main innovative aspects that CSEI bring about to social and ecological transitions and; 3) To identify and analyse the clusters features, components and/or determinants that facilitate innovation dissemination and transfer to other contexts.
CIVICS é um primeiro mapa de inovação cidadã que os cidadãos desenvolvem na América Latina todos os dias. É uma ferramenta digital de automatismo em formato de agenda-geolocalizada onde encontrar e adicionar toda a inovação cidadã que existe em nossas cidades, localizar seus eventos associados e participar deles.CIVICS é a ferramenta de mapeamento que possui mais informações sobre a situação atual da inovação cidadã.
Criando Retratos da Cidade - DEAL / Doughnut
Systems thinking requires a shift in our perception of the world around us. In order to build a new multidimensional thinking framework, we need to discover the dynamics and interconnectedness of the systems at play. This is where systems mapping tools come in — they provide an exploration of the system, communicate understanding, and allow for the identification of knowledge gaps, intervention points, and insights.
We are cognitively impaired by a metabolic rift between our culture and the earth. Paved surfaces, and pervasive media, shield us from direct experience of the damage our actions inflict on soils, oceans, air, and forests. A unique epoch of energy and resource abundance added zest to a story of growth, and progress and development, that put the interests of ‘the economy’ above all other concerns
There is a metabolic rift running through our economy and culture, and it is distracting our attention from care for the biosphere. To heal this rift, the diverse groups of people that make up humankind need a shared purpose that everyone can relate to and support. A strong candidate for that shared purpose is care for the bioregion—bioregioning—as an activity that creates value. In this article, I present a number of design actions and case studies that demonstrate how design can contribute to system change, for example via the reconnection of urban and rural ecosystems, the design of social infrastructures that enable the emergence of new enterprises, and the deployment of technology.
This course would foster ecological literacy, and a whole-systems understanding of the world.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
Post Growth Toolkit [The Game] is an invitation to reprogram ourselves out of the economic growth orthodoxy. It proposes to literally reshuffle our world-views through a compilation of stories, concepts and tactics in order to stimulate new modes of understanding in the context of current environmental crises. It takes the form of a tactical card game inviting players to explore a number of key notions to facilitate collective debate. [+]
LEINN es el grado oficial en Liderazgo Emprendedor e Innovación en el que diseñarás productos y servicios reales, trabajarás con clientes en entornos reales y contrastarás en el mundo lo que aprendes. LEINN hace parte de Mondragon Team Academy MTA, una red global de emprendedores/as en equipo, creada en 2008 con más de 1300 jóvenes emprendedores ubicados en 8 localizaciones en 3 continentes.
Following on from Part 1 on Prototyping and Part 2 on UX Research - we now take a look at how to document this process. Essential for students, of course - but mandatory for many professional work processes, especially medical device design. Some tips on how to use these stills not only to 'prove your work is legit', but also to help communicate it to 'non-designers' in say Sales & Marketing or Grant Approvals, or Award Applications etc. Communication is essential at any stage of the process.
When the designer acts as a gatekeeper for the meanings that are included in the design process, the potential for connections becomes limited not only to what the designer views as significant, but also to the relationships she can imagine. If the design space were flung open to meanings that users and communities view as significant, we would surely read fewer stories of design interventions gone wrong — such as whimsically designed water pumps that were abandoned to rust because they were unusable, innovative distribution systems for mosquito nets that prevent most people from accessing them, and the distortionary effect of shoes distributed to the poor as a marketing pitch to the rich, to name just a few.
Our climate is changing at an extraordinary rate. While this is plainly visible in our glacier landscapes, we also rely on aerial and digital technologies to see the full extent of changes across larger scales and timeframes.
This project aims to adapt these technologies creatively to communicate the science behind our changing climate in more compelling ways.
This project aims to adapt these technologies creatively to communicate the science behind our changing climate in more compelling ways.
Experimenta Distrito, projeto de inovação cidadã do Media Lab Prado em Madrid.
Hacking Ecology aims to promote global access to high accuracy water monitoring systems using the most powerful open source tools to make it possible.
"Innovation" is one of capitalism’s most popular buzzwords. Its function is to sustain the myth that business genius creates society’s wealth.
A bióloga goiana Nathália Machado ensina e mostra na prática a sua Agrofloresta que nasceu há 6 meses no Jardim América
Cidadãos disseram sim e estão fazer acontecer no bairro de Santiago, em Aveiro. O primeiro laboratório cívico português está em marcha e cheio de força. Tem dez projectos já a avançar.