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CIVICS é um primeiro mapa de inovação cidadã que os cidadãos desenvolvem na América Latina todos os dias. É uma ferramenta digital de automatismo em formato de agenda-geolocalizada onde encontrar e adicionar toda a inovação cidadã que existe em nossas cidades, localizar seus eventos associados e participar deles.CIVICS é a ferramenta de mapeamento que possui mais informações sobre a situação atual da inovação cidadã.
Criando Retratos da Cidade - DEAL / Doughnut
An interactive educational toolkit for upper secondary high school educators and students to integrate circular thinking into the classroom.
The same principle need not be limited to food. “Repair cafés” could be places to meet and relax in every neighbourhood, and where you can also learn how to fix appliances and gadgets, mend clothes, or maintain bicycles. Community tool libraries could allow you to borrow a drill for some DIY or a projector for your next neighbourhood film screening. Seed libraries, where you can take out seeds in the spring and deposit new ones at the end of the season or swap compost for ready-to-use soil, could help people get involved in growing food.
We can no longer take the reproduction of our world for granted, or assume that the work of nature will take place automatically. Reproducing life on Earth will require a great deal more assistance from us, in our simultaneously extraordinary and limited capacities as a single species on a planet of millions. It will also require a great deal more recognition of the assistance provided by all those other species. What the feminist theorist Sophie Lewis calls “full surrogacy” — a call to distribute labor more broadly, to cultivate reciprocal practices of kinship and care — is as applicable to our nonhuman relationships as to our human ones.
We are cognitively impaired by a metabolic rift between our culture and the earth. Paved surfaces, and pervasive media, shield us from direct experience of the damage our actions inflict on soils, oceans, air, and forests. A unique epoch of energy and resource abundance added zest to a story of growth, and progress and development, that put the interests of ‘the economy’ above all other concerns
In your experienced opinion, is it necessary to install some kind of ventilator or air cleaner in a space where the plastics are being melted? For example, I live in Canada where we are under snow for half the year, so very likely that we would not be opening windows! If it is not necessary, how can I explain/convince my community that I am not polluting the air?
The concept of Green FabLab is the intersection of several societal trends. From one side, there have been an growing interesting in the additive manufacturing technology (a.k.a 3D printing) technology. The creation of the fantastic RepRap Projet, an open source project, opened up many possibilities in terms of appropiation for the 3D printing technology, doing the filament fused deposition the most used technique in the additive manufacturing world.
There is a metabolic rift running through our economy and culture, and it is distracting our attention from care for the biosphere. To heal this rift, the diverse groups of people that make up humankind need a shared purpose that everyone can relate to and support. A strong candidate for that shared purpose is care for the bioregion—bioregioning—as an activity that creates value. In this article, I present a number of design actions and case studies that demonstrate how design can contribute to system change, for example via the reconnection of urban and rural ecosystems, the design of social infrastructures that enable the emergence of new enterprises, and the deployment of technology.
This course would foster ecological literacy, and a whole-systems understanding of the world.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
Post Growth Toolkit [The Game] is an invitation to reprogram ourselves out of the economic growth orthodoxy. It proposes to literally reshuffle our world-views through a compilation of stories, concepts and tactics in order to stimulate new modes of understanding in the context of current environmental crises. It takes the form of a tactical card game inviting players to explore a number of key notions to facilitate collective debate. [+]
What ideological, social and biophysical factors have precipitated the current environmental crises? What agency is available for transformative practices and imaginaries to confront the continuous growth of our energy consumption?
The Post Growth exhibition invites us to challenge dominant narratives about growth and progress, and explore the radical implications of a speculative economic model based on energy emitted by the Sun. The exhibition provides perspectives for a shift away from the overexploitation of fossil fuels —ancient sunlight— on which the reproduction of our societies mainly depends today.
The series of artworks presented re-envision social metabolism through an understanding of the energy it requires, reconnecting human survival with the living, material qualities of the biosphere, drawing on ecofeminism, indigenous knowledge, environmental accounting and historical materialism.
In complement to the main exhibition, a series of workshops, discussions and filmed interviews will further explore the forms that a post-fossil society could take and the challenges we need to confront to get there.
Post Growth is an invitation to a collective and practical examination of the future of life on the planet, examining the notion of growth, in its many facets and implications, touching the limits of technology, of politics and of our imaginations.
The Post Growth exhibition invites us to challenge dominant narratives about growth and progress, and explore the radical implications of a speculative economic model based on energy emitted by the Sun. The exhibition provides perspectives for a shift away from the overexploitation of fossil fuels —ancient sunlight— on which the reproduction of our societies mainly depends today.
The series of artworks presented re-envision social metabolism through an understanding of the energy it requires, reconnecting human survival with the living, material qualities of the biosphere, drawing on ecofeminism, indigenous knowledge, environmental accounting and historical materialism.
In complement to the main exhibition, a series of workshops, discussions and filmed interviews will further explore the forms that a post-fossil society could take and the challenges we need to confront to get there.
Post Growth is an invitation to a collective and practical examination of the future of life on the planet, examining the notion of growth, in its many facets and implications, touching the limits of technology, of politics and of our imaginations.
"A partir de casa optou por utilizar um modelo de aulas digitais assíncronas (conversas gravadas de 50 minutos) combinado com sessões de diálogo on-line intenso de curta duração (20 minutos) e em grupos pequenos de 3 a 5 alunos, com um ou dois dias de intervalo."
LEINN es el grado oficial en Liderazgo Emprendedor e Innovación en el que diseñarás productos y servicios reales, trabajarás con clientes en entornos reales y contrastarás en el mundo lo que aprendes. LEINN hace parte de Mondragon Team Academy MTA, una red global de emprendedores/as en equipo, creada en 2008 con más de 1300 jóvenes emprendedores ubicados en 8 localizaciones en 3 continentes.
The most widely adopted set of open and visual tools for designing ecosystem-platform strategies.
An experiment in free, co-operative higher educationThe Social Science Centre (SSC) organizes free higher education in Lincoln and is run by its members. The SSC is a co-operative and was formally constituted in May 2011 with help from the local Co-operative Development Agency. There is no fee for learning or teaching, but most members voluntarily contribute to the Centre either financially or with their time. No one at the Centre receives a salary and all contributions are used to run the SSC. When students leave the SSC they will receive an award at higher education level. This award will be recognized and validated by the scholars who make up the SSC, as well as by our associate external members – academics around the world who act as our expert reviewers The SSC has no formal connection with any higher education institution, but attempts to work closely with likeminded organizations in the city.
Critics of the ‘co-operative university’ have questioned our commitment to the idea of the ‘public university’. Indeed, co-operatives are anti-statist, but they also exceed the idea of ‘public ownership’ with that of ‘common ownership’, a social form of property that is the antithesis of the right of free alienability (which distinguishes capitalist private property). In short, co-operative higher education is entirely compatible with the idea of the ‘public’ if we reconceive it as an autonomous, open, democratically governed ‘commons’: An academic commons, democratically controlled by academic and support staff, students, cleaners and others.
Solarpunk is everything from a positive imagining of our collective futures to actually creating it: aesthetics, afrofuturism, art, cooperatives, DIY, ecological restoration, engineering, fiction, futurism, gardening, geodesic domes, green architecture, green design, green energy, ingenuous indigenous practices, intentional community, maker spaces, materials science, music, permaculture, repair cafes, solar, solar power, sustainability, tree planting, urban planning, volunteering, 3D printing...
The Luc Hoffmann Institute aims to be the world’s leading catalyst for innovation and transformative change to maintain biodiversity, the foundation for all life on Earth. We create the conditions for new approaches to emerge, identify and mobilise the most promising innovators and ideas, and provide a flow of impactful, de-risked and exciting initiatives for investors.