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The linear ‘take, make, use, and dispose’ economy is driving the climate emergency. Extraction and processing of natural resources make up half of the total global greenhouse gas emissions and over 90% of water stress and biodiversity loss impact, according to the International Resource Panel. Product re-use and repair are the building blocks of circular economy, which can contribute to climate change mitigation by preventing resource depletion, diverting products and materials from landfills and incineration (therefore preventing associated emissions), and reducing energy demand.
Preventing waste generation, especially non-recyclable waste, would deliver the greatest benefits for the environment. The reduction in waste needed to meet the target would require very ambitious waste prevention measures to be implemented at both EU and Member State levels, for instance by increasing the lifespan of consumer goods and ensuring strong support for product reuse.
The CDP bureau includes three policy units: International Cyberspace Security, International Information and Communications Policy, and Digital Freedom. Ultimately, the bureau will be led by a Senate-confirmed Ambassador-at-Large. Starting today, Jennifer Bachus, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, is serving as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the CDP bureau. PDAS Bachus will serve as Senior Bureau Official until an Ambassador-at-Large is confirmed. Michele Markoff is serving as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Cyberspace Security, Stephen Anderson is serving as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Information and Communications Policy, and Blake Peterson is serving as Acting Digital Freedom Coordinator.
Conversations on the New European Bauhaus
Beautiful | Sustainable | Together
Beautiful | Sustainable | Together
Last week, three years of arguing with industry finally paid off, as the European standard EN45554 was published. This official document with an unexciting name details ”general methods for the assessment of the ability to repair, reuse and upgrade energy-related products.” In plain English, it’s a standard for measuring how easy it is to repair stuff. It’s also a huge milestone for the fight for fair repair.
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:
no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
economic growth decoupled from resource use
no person and no place left behind
The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the 1.8 trillion euro investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.
no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
economic growth decoupled from resource use
no person and no place left behind
The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the 1.8 trillion euro investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.
Throughout 2021, six community organisations representing Bristol’s most diverse and disadvantaged communities, have set about co-producing their own community climate action plans as part of the lottery-funded Bristol Community Climate Action project. The plans developed will identify key priorities to help deliver Bristol’s 2030 net zero ambition, whilst simultaneously improving the quality of life for local residents in the civic recovery from the Covid pandemic.
We’re introducing each of our four Policy-in-Practice Fund projects with an introductory blog post. Below, Leandro Navarro from eReuse answers a few of our burning questions to give us some insight into the project and what it will achieve. We’re really excited to be working with four groups of incredible innovators and you’ll be hearing a lot more about the projects as they progress.
3D Printing Industry asked EOS, Spare Parts 3D, DiManEx, Ricoh 3D and Link3D for their thoughts on how 3D printed spare parts could help consumer appliance manufacturers adhere to the legislation, while avoiding large physical stocks of replacement parts and subsequent incurring costs.
An open source Policy Toolkit for cities to develop digital policies that put citizens at the center and make Governments more open, transparent, and collaborative.
This thesis explores how public sector organizations introduce new ways of working, such as co-design methods and mindsets, and examines the interactions between emerging co-designing cultures and dominant public sector cultures. This research contributes to the field of design, with a focus on culture change in public sector organizations.
When designers try to create lasting change in the public sector, their aim is not only to co-design meaningful new or improved services, but also to embed the capacity – rather than dependency – of co-design into the organization. Current research suggests that this embedded co-design capacity allows for ongoing transformation.
When designers try to create lasting change in the public sector, their aim is not only to co-design meaningful new or improved services, but also to embed the capacity – rather than dependency – of co-design into the organization. Current research suggests that this embedded co-design capacity allows for ongoing transformation.
This standard will fulfil requirements in Standardisation request M/543 by defining parameters and methods relevant for assessing the ability to repair and reuse products; the ability to upgrade products, excluding remanufacturing; the ability to access or remove certain components, consumables or assemblies from products to facilitate repair, reuse or upgrade and lastly by defining reusability indexes or criteria.