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307 results
Schooling the World
Open Schooling is an approach which takes on relevant local and global challenges; it can contribute to community development, and promote an active global citizenship attitude. For students it offers the opportunity to learn together in the real world, and widens their horizons to learn from people other than their teachers.
Display H5P content without the need for an H5P server
Lumi is a desktop app that allows you to create, edit, view and share interactive content with dozens of different content types. It's free and open source.
Just some notes for my “H5P!? The very basics” session at OERcamp global 2021. Don’t expect all of this to be self-explanatory if you come across it by chance 😀
The specification for the H5P file format consists of 5 important components.
Create, share, and adopt educational resources into your courses.
Currently, you can create interactive H5P resources, and build single-page, modular tutorial resources.
We will be continuously adding new resource types for you to create, including: course sites, digital textbooks, and quizzes.
Currently, you can create interactive H5P resources, and build single-page, modular tutorial resources.
We will be continuously adding new resource types for you to create, including: course sites, digital textbooks, and quizzes.
Simple and lightweight
No statically built html files
Multiple themes
No statically built html files
Multiple themes
Create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser
ecoversities: learners and communities reclaiming diverse knowledges, relationships and imaginations to design new approaches to higher education.
Las guías didácticas incluidas en esta sección tienen por objetivo favorecer la puesta en marcha de proyectos colaborativos que conecten la actividad de las aulas con lo que ocurre fuera del recinto escolar.
Sin aprendizaje no hay aventura, ya que las tareas de aprender y producir son cada vez más inseparables de las prácticas asociadas al compartir, colaborar y cooperar.
Sin aprendizaje no hay aventura, ya que las tareas de aprender y producir son cada vez más inseparables de las prácticas asociadas al compartir, colaborar y cooperar.
This course would foster ecological literacy, and a whole-systems understanding of the world.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
"A partir de casa optou por utilizar um modelo de aulas digitais assíncronas (conversas gravadas de 50 minutos) combinado com sessões de diálogo on-line intenso de curta duração (20 minutos) e em grupos pequenos de 3 a 5 alunos, com um ou dois dias de intervalo."
The off icial International Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation specialized in Arts and Cultural and Creative Industries (LEINN ARTS) faces one of the greatest challenges of today: educating for the needs of people and society of the 21st century through creativity in relationship with Art and Creative Industries.
Com isso se muda a perspectiva de processo, que não deve ter como prioridade apenas os conteúdos. A perspectiva é o CONTEXTO (sujeitos, sociedade onde vivem ) CONCEITO ( qual a ideia que o problema traz) e finalmente o CONTEÚDO ( a ferramenta que será usada na resolução do problema), e chagamos ao conhecimento e a uma aprendizagem significativa. Um dos exemplos para ilustrar é na matemática, o aprendizado da regra de três para crianças de 12 anos. A regra de três é a ferramenta, a técnica, o conteúdo: Se a/b = c/d então a.d = b.c. Qual o CONCEITO que dá origem a esta regra? É um dos conceitos mais importantes para o ensino de matemática, estatística, física, química, entre outras: o conceito de Proporção. Mas onde este conceito surge e onde faz sentido? Qual o CONTEXTO onde ele aparece? E qual o Contexto que faz sentido e desperte a curiosidade para crianças de 12 anos? %, densidade populacional, estatísticas sobre assuntos diversos, etc.
An experiment in free, co-operative higher educationThe Social Science Centre (SSC) organizes free higher education in Lincoln and is run by its members. The SSC is a co-operative and was formally constituted in May 2011 with help from the local Co-operative Development Agency. There is no fee for learning or teaching, but most members voluntarily contribute to the Centre either financially or with their time. No one at the Centre receives a salary and all contributions are used to run the SSC. When students leave the SSC they will receive an award at higher education level. This award will be recognized and validated by the scholars who make up the SSC, as well as by our associate external members – academics around the world who act as our expert reviewers The SSC has no formal connection with any higher education institution, but attempts to work closely with likeminded organizations in the city.
Critics of the ‘co-operative university’ have questioned our commitment to the idea of the ‘public university’. Indeed, co-operatives are anti-statist, but they also exceed the idea of ‘public ownership’ with that of ‘common ownership’, a social form of property that is the antithesis of the right of free alienability (which distinguishes capitalist private property). In short, co-operative higher education is entirely compatible with the idea of the ‘public’ if we reconceive it as an autonomous, open, democratically governed ‘commons’: An academic commons, democratically controlled by academic and support staff, students, cleaners and others.
Enabling the exchange of data, experiences and ideas among open educational actors and communities.
A privacy focused extension to annotate, search and organize what you've seen online.