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When tech culture only celebrates creation, it risks ignoring those who teach, criticize, and take care of others.
About the book: A decade ago many gushed at the possibilities of 3D printers and other DIY tech. Today makers are increasingly shaking off their initial blind enthusiasm to numerically control everything, rediscovering an interest in sociocultural histories and futures and waking up to the environmental and economic implications of digital machines that transform materials. An accumulation of critique has collectively registered that no tool, service, or software is good, bad, or neutral—or even free for that matter. We’ve arrived at a crossroads, where a reflective pause coincides with new critical initiatives emerging across disciplines.
How is the maker scene doing in the largest city of the European Union? Makery made the rounds of the digital fabrication spaces, less fablabs than makerspaces.
An open resource for sourcing local manufacturing and materials
Make Works started because we wanted to make fabrication in Scotland more accessible for artists, designers and makers.
Now we teach passionate people in other places how to do the same!
Make Works started because we wanted to make fabrication in Scotland more accessible for artists, designers and makers.
Now we teach passionate people in other places how to do the same!
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