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We're helping food growers build better soil and adopt sustainable growing practices, while working together to gather soil moisture data from around Europe, to help society adapt to extreme climate events.
High-tech smart cities promise efficiency by monitoring everything from bins to bridges. But what if we ditched the data and embraced ancient technology instead?
Guardian Cities is concluding with ‘The case for ...”, a series of opinion pieces exploring options for radical urban change.
Guardian Cities is concluding with ‘The case for ...”, a series of opinion pieces exploring options for radical urban change.
L'agent(e) valoriste ou technicien(ne) de réemploi est un professionnel du réemploi, du recyclage et de la valorisation des encombrants. Il valorise et revend les objets collectés.
Experimenta Distrito, projeto de inovação cidadã do Media Lab Prado em Madrid.
Affordable Land (or ‘Community Land’) is a form of leasehold that precludes speculation, and so allows councils to license land as a low-cost platform for society and the economy, instead of simply selling it to land traders. It requires no government borrowing, no new legislation and it can exist alongside the existing property market.
La extrusora de polímeros cumple la función de transformar partículas de polímeros en una sección continua de material. Se propone utilizar polipropileno reciclado de las tapas plásticas de botellas, para ser transformado a un filamento usado por las impresoras 3d. Es decir, transformar un desecho a filamento y el filamento a cualquier cosa que queramos imprimir. En esta etapa del proyecto el polipropileno triturado lo encontraremos en empresas que se encargan de triturarlo y lavarlo.
Sustainable Architecture, Building school, Eco housing, Evolved homes, sustainability, self sufficiency, Michael Reynolds, green housing
Čao Laru: quero falar
Todos queremos cidades com serviços eficientes e baratos que melhorem o transporte, a saúde, a moradia, a educação etc. Mas a questão é como evitar que nossas cidades se tornem máquinas de precarizar tra
Materials Matter is a printed leaflet, set of cards and script for disassembly and reassembly of a mobile. Participants of all ages can learn about the raw materials inside electronics by reading our leaflet and using our cards to pair with mobile phone components.
Hacking Ecology aims to promote global access to high accuracy water monitoring systems using the most powerful open source tools to make it possible.
About the book: A decade ago many gushed at the possibilities of 3D printers and other DIY tech. Today makers are increasingly shaking off their initial blind enthusiasm to numerically control everything, rediscovering an interest in sociocultural histories and futures and waking up to the environmental and economic implications of digital machines that transform materials. An accumulation of critique has collectively registered that no tool, service, or software is good, bad, or neutral—or even free for that matter. We’ve arrived at a crossroads, where a reflective pause coincides with new critical initiatives emerging across disciplines.
Unmaking Waste is a partnership with the China Australia Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of South Australia which has delivered two successful international conferences as well as photography and design exhibitions and a number of publications. Unmaking Waste focuses on a cross disciplinary approach and engages with themes such as circular economy, waste, design, consumption, production and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 12; Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
In Agbogbloshie, a community in Accra, Ghana, people descend on a scrapyard to mine electronic waste for recyclable materials. Without formal training, these urban miners often teach themselves the workings of electronics by taking them apart and putting them together again. Designer and TED Fellow DK Osseo-Asare wondered: What would happen if we connected these self-taught techies with students and young professionals in STEAM fields? The result: a growing maker community where people engage in peer-to-peer, hands-on education, motivated by what they want to create. Learn more about how this African makerspace is pioneering a grassroots circular economy.
Basurama is a collective devoted since 2001 to research, production and cultural management. They have focused their area of study and activity in the production processes, the generation of trash that those processes imply and its creative possibilities. In this talk, they discuss their work if giving visibility to trash, and not only things, but spaces, places, and most importantly, people.In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
In Brazil, "catadores" collect junk and recyclables. But while they provide a vital service that benefits all, they are nearly invisible as they roam the streets. Enter graffiti artist Mundano, a TED Fellow. In a spirited talk, he describes his project "Pimp My Carroça," which has transformed these heroic workers' carts into things of beauty and infused them with a sense of humor. It's a movement that is going global.
From satellite graveyards to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, GEO—DESIGN: Junk. explores global systems of discarded things and their new realities and potentialities. This city-wide exhibition, produced in collaboration with the Van Abbemuseum, showcases 18 projects by DAE alumni.
With strikingly different approaches to design and research, the exhibition traverses landfills, uncovers the ghosts of dead digital communities and discovers new ecosystems and economies built on detritus. It looks at junk as a microcosm, as an economic barometer that can reveal realities of consumption and production, and as a subject of intercontinental diplomacy.
With strikingly different approaches to design and research, the exhibition traverses landfills, uncovers the ghosts of dead digital communities and discovers new ecosystems and economies built on detritus. It looks at junk as a microcosm, as an economic barometer that can reveal realities of consumption and production, and as a subject of intercontinental diplomacy.
The installation Chiefs of Waste, by Shay Raviv and Dorota Gazy from STBY, presents a global investigation delving into the ever-changing worlds of waste pickers in Mexico City and Bangalore, uncovering the networks, actors and structures that span the blurry lines between formal and informal systems. The exhibition is on show during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven from 19 October until 27 October 2019.
Nathan Schneider, jornalista e professor de novas mídias da Universidade de Boulder Colorado, nos Estados Unidos, é uma das pessoas que mais vem estudando e promovendo a ideia do “cooperativismo de plataforma” mundo afora. No final de outubro ele esteve no Brasil para um evento privado organizado pela KES, onde falou da ideia de “user ownership” (em tradução livre, compartilhar a posse da empresa) para uma plateia de empresários, COs e CTOs de startups e empresas como Coca-Cola e Bradesco
> "Um estudo global elaborado por cerca de 11 mil cientistas confirmou as pesquisas que apontam que o mundo está diante de uma emergência climática.
> O estudo (em inglês), baseado em 40 anos de dados obtidos a partir de diferentes medições, aponta que os governos estão fracassando no combate a essa crise e que, sem mudanças profundas e duradouras, estamos diante da perspectiva de 'sofrimento humano inédito'".
(o artigo não fala nada sobre lixo)
> O estudo (em inglês), baseado em 40 anos de dados obtidos a partir de diferentes medições, aponta que os governos estão fracassando no combate a essa crise e que, sem mudanças profundas e duradouras, estamos diante da perspectiva de 'sofrimento humano inédito'".
(o artigo não fala nada sobre lixo)