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In most cases, a guide on iFixit shows the removal of a specific component for replacement. The guide shows step-by-step what must be done to open the device and remove the broken component. Since reassembly is usually just the reverse of disassembly, you don’t need to write reassembly steps. By default, each guide automatically concludes:
Our society is completely dependent on technology. And the supply chain to make a modern smartphone is unimaginably complex. My company takes apart all the latest gadgets to find out what’s inside, and we regularly discover components from dozens of countries. The iPhone’s A12 processor, for example, is designed by Apple’s teams in California and Israel using technology developed by a UK-based but Japanese-owned company, and fabricated in Taiwan using equipment from the Netherlands.
Repair Manuals for Every Thing - iFixit
Welcome to our user-contributed teardowns on the hottest new gadgets. You can write your own teardown, check out how others are contributing with their teardowns, and even check out disassembly photos and comprehensive hardware analysis.
Collective notes about Fixfest 2019.