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The Geoportal is a web site whose purpose is to offer users access to a series of resources and services based on geographic information. It allows geospatial data to be discovered, accessed and visualised, using a standard navigator, and enables the integration, interoperability and exchange of information between different institutions, professional groups and service companies, etc.
There’s a revolution stirring in Barcelona (but not that one). It revolves around the ownership of data. ‘There is a new deal on data,’ says Francesca Bria, the woman charged with turning Barcelona into a truly smart city — a city that harnesses the power of technology and puts it to use solving the problems of its citizens. ‘We believe that data is a public infrastructure — like water, like roads, like the air we breathe — and it should be treated as such. It belongs to the citizens of Barcelona.’
“Now we have a big contract with Vodafone, and every month Vodafone has to give machine readable data to city hall. Before, that didn’t happen. They just took all the data and used it for their own benefit”