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We’re a Berlin-based impact and tech startup that aims to accelerate the transformation towards a circular economy. To achieve this, our team digitizes and simplifies circular services and processes with our software platform and partnership options – for electronics and other products.
The Crypto Commons Association (CCA) is a non-profit organization founded in early 2021 to facilitate the development of digital common goods and infrastructure in the context of DLTs, their academic reception and analysis, their public accessibility as well as their broad social application.
But decades of research have demonstrated that local communities have demonstrated the capacity to avoid this “tragedy” through the formation of institutions that are collectively designed, monitored, and enforced. In Elinor Ostrom’s seminal book “Governing the Commons” she argues that by forming institutions that follow 8 principles can allow communities to avoid the tragedy of the commons and collectively self govern collective (or “common pool”) resources.
Commonspoly is a non profit, open source board game that encourages a culture of cooperation and questions the violent model of neoliberal privatisation.
O TTC é um modelo consagrado internacionalmente, que busca garantir o acesso à moradia e a permanência das comunidades no seu território. A partir de um arranjo que conjuga interesses coletivos e individuais, ele também fortalece as comunidades e estimula o desenvolvimento local, liderado pelos moradores.
Historically, in Europe the commons was not a major affair. The lands that the lords and abbots set aside for the use of their serfs amounted to not much more than a sop to encourage their continuing subservience. In some areas it played a bigger role than in others, but all over Europe, the peasants were in constant upheaval trying to get out from under the thumb of the landlords. As towns emerged and guilds of skilled craftspeople developed in the early Middle Ages, prospects of more autonomy enticed peasants to the towns.
It may be stretching the historic record to say the guilds offered another world of possibility for the peasants. What we can say is that the growing opposition of workers to the rise of industrial capitalism in the 19th Century looked back several centuries and saw it that way.
It may be stretching the historic record to say the guilds offered another world of possibility for the peasants. What we can say is that the growing opposition of workers to the rise of industrial capitalism in the 19th Century looked back several centuries and saw it that way.
The Commons Transition Platform is a database of practical experiences and policy proposals for a more humane and environmentally grounded society.
This Commons Transition Primer website contains new and adapted texts by P2P Foundation members, including its founder, Michel Bauwens. As part of an ongoing multimedia project/campaign, our intention with this site is to make the P2P Foundation’s core ideas on the Commons and P2P accessible, attractive and shareable for commoners and communities worldwide.
We’ve built some other useful features into this site. Click here to learn more about its structure and distinguishing features.
The Commons Transition Primer website project was coordinated and edited by Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel (except where other authorship is noted). Elena Martínez Vicente led the design and UX, Mercè Moreno Tarrés provided the illustrations, and Javier Arturo Rodriguez took care of the technical details and backend. Thanks are due to David Bollier, Vasilis Kostakis and Rajesh Makwana for reviewing the texts in the “Shorts” section. Special thanks are also due for the technical expertise and last-minute interventions of our colleague, Lisha Sterling.
We’ve built some other useful features into this site. Click here to learn more about its structure and distinguishing features.
The Commons Transition Primer website project was coordinated and edited by Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel (except where other authorship is noted). Elena Martínez Vicente led the design and UX, Mercè Moreno Tarrés provided the illustrations, and Javier Arturo Rodriguez took care of the technical details and backend. Thanks are due to David Bollier, Vasilis Kostakis and Rajesh Makwana for reviewing the texts in the “Shorts” section. Special thanks are also due for the technical expertise and last-minute interventions of our colleague, Lisha Sterling.
Affordable Land (or ‘Community Land’) is a form of leasehold that precludes speculation, and so allows councils to license land as a low-cost platform for society and the economy, instead of simply selling it to land traders. It requires no government borrowing, no new legislation and it can exist alongside the existing property market.
The man who wrote one of environmentalism’s most-cited essays was a racist, eugenicist, nativist and Islamaphobe—plus his argument was wrong