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The Geoportal is a web site whose purpose is to offer users access to a series of resources and services based on geographic information. It allows geospatial data to be discovered, accessed and visualised, using a standard navigator, and enables the integration, interoperability and exchange of information between different institutions, professional groups and service companies, etc.
There’s a revolution stirring in Barcelona (but not that one). It revolves around the ownership of data. ‘There is a new deal on data,’ says Francesca Bria, the woman charged with turning Barcelona into a truly smart city — a city that harnesses the power of technology and puts it to use solving the problems of its citizens. ‘We believe that data is a public infrastructure — like water, like roads, like the air we breathe — and it should be treated as such. It belongs to the citizens of Barcelona.’
“Now we have a big contract with Vodafone, and every month Vodafone has to give machine readable data to city hall. Before, that didn’t happen. They just took all the data and used it for their own benefit”
All in all there is an active ecosystem of mutually re-enforcing and dependent commons and cooperative actors that are building products and services aiming to be more inclusive, that are produced following shared knowledge and participatory processes, with governance models that foster participation by workers and/or users. In many cases the economy and salaries are still fragile, but participants work hard to consolidate their projects, despite the fact that most institutions and support systems are catered for a capitalist mode of production. All in all, there is an alternative vision emerging, one that tells that yes, we can do it together, without excluding others from using, reusing and participating. One that puts the people truly in the centre and builds on shared missions, on people and planet before profit. Key will be to build further institutional support and strengthen interlocal and international collaboration, replication and reuse and co-development of needed infrastructures, services and mutual support.
In Catalonia alone, every day, 720,000 kg of food is thrown away. This wasted food, totaling 260,000 tons per year, is equivalent to the food needs of 500,000 people for one year. Remix el Barrio was born with the ambition to propose a learning space to encourage and nurture new practices based on food-waste crafts. It is the result of a pilot program where various designers learn about biomaterial design and explore projects with food scraps using artisanal techniques and digital fabrication. Remix El Barrio was created in the regenerative district of Poblenou, more specifically in the ecosystem of Fab Lab Barcelona, where designers united to co-produce new forms of crafts from their individual aspirations, benefitting from regular peer-learning sessions, access to machines and tools, and learning from the maker open source culture present all over the place. Each designer has initiated a creative design driven material innovation approach where they identify a recurrent local food waste case, learn about its characteristics, investigate how to best collect and process it, and imagine future applications and material life-cycle narratives.
Fundació Formació i Treball, la Fundació CHM Salut Mental i el Departament d'Arts Visuals i Disseny de la Universitat de Barcelona, col·laboren al projecte de reutilització, reciclatge i economia circular 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
Convertir soles de sabata, plàstics que provenen de restes de joguines o roba usada, en productes innovadors, com ara safates de cultiu hidropònic, un rascador de gats, un tendal o un gronxador, no és qüestió de màgia, sinó qüestió de consciència, creativitat i cocreació entre diversos agents. Si a més, a aquesta iniciativa, amb una clara vocació mediambiental, se li suma el valor social que aporta, el resultat és el projecte 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
Convertir soles de sabata, plàstics que provenen de restes de joguines o roba usada, en productes innovadors, com ara safates de cultiu hidropònic, un rascador de gats, un tendal o un gronxador, no és qüestió de màgia, sinó qüestió de consciència, creativitat i cocreació entre diversos agents. Si a més, a aquesta iniciativa, amb una clara vocació mediambiental, se li suma el valor social que aporta, el resultat és el projecte 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
El projecte comunitari Caixa d'Eines i Feines ofereix la possibilitat de compartir recursos per allargar la seva vida útil, reduir la producció de residus i ser un estalvi per a les famílies.
La reutilització esdevé una activitat necessària i fonamental en la reducció dels residus generats per l’acció humana i en la lluita global per un món més sostenible.
En els darrers anys, la conscienciació sobre aquesta pràctica s’ha vist palesa en l’aparició d’una sèrie d’iniciatives i projectes destinats a donar una segona vida a productes que encara es troben en ús. A continuació, us oferim un recull de propostes i banc de recursos impulsats per entitats sense ànim de lucre
En els darrers anys, la conscienciació sobre aquesta pràctica s’ha vist palesa en l’aparició d’una sèrie d’iniciatives i projectes destinats a donar una segona vida a productes que encara es troben en ús. A continuació, us oferim un recull de propostes i banc de recursos impulsats per entitats sense ànim de lucre
Pide. Comparte. Conecta.
Pide prestado cualquier objeto que necesites a los vecinos de tu barrio.
¿Vives fuera de Barcelona? ¿Vives en Barcelona?
Pide prestado cualquier objeto que necesites a los vecinos de tu barrio.
¿Vives fuera de Barcelona? ¿Vives en Barcelona?
Fem un recull de diverses eines que ens són útils contra el malbaratament i el canvi climàtic i per fer un consum conscient i responsable.
1. Waste prevention and preparation for reuse.
2. Simpler collection models and systems that are more integrated and adapted to the various urban and socio-economic environments.
3. Making the organic fraction the central focus of waste management.
4. Waste management and prevention in the business, commercial and service sectors.
5. A Green Point network offering more services adapted to all groups of residents.
6. Design, production and consumption criteria that are innovative and favourable to the circular economy.
7. Regulations and taxes that provide incentives for prevention, recovery and reuse, with the internalisation of collection and treatment costs.
8. Communication and education to foster the new culture of consumption, prevention and selective collection, in order to stimulate the general public's involvement.
9. Participation networks with social and civil society organisations that are in favour of waste prevention and reuse.
10. Municipal exemplariness regarding prevention, selective collection, reuse and recovery of resources.
2. Simpler collection models and systems that are more integrated and adapted to the various urban and socio-economic environments.
3. Making the organic fraction the central focus of waste management.
4. Waste management and prevention in the business, commercial and service sectors.
5. A Green Point network offering more services adapted to all groups of residents.
6. Design, production and consumption criteria that are innovative and favourable to the circular economy.
7. Regulations and taxes that provide incentives for prevention, recovery and reuse, with the internalisation of collection and treatment costs.
8. Communication and education to foster the new culture of consumption, prevention and selective collection, in order to stimulate the general public's involvement.
9. Participation networks with social and civil society organisations that are in favour of waste prevention and reuse.
10. Municipal exemplariness regarding prevention, selective collection, reuse and recovery of resources.
A significant part of the waste we generate can be given a new lease of life. In this area, it is worth noting the work done by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area's Environmental Body, with its "Better than new, 100% old" and "Repaired, better than new" campaigns.
In the city, there are various events where people can exchange items that they no longer use but which are in a good state of repair. Other people may be able to give these items a new lease of life. This is the case with the municipal programmes "Renew your wardrobe" and "Revamp your toys", which are part of the 2012-2020 Waste Prevention Plan. This establishes strategies that foster a more efficient, rational use of resources, the reuse and recycling of objects and the prevention of waste generation.
L'Ajuntament de Barcelona ha creat el Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020, per tal d'avançar i establir noves estratègies concretes que potenciïn un ús més eficient i racional dels recursos i un impuls a la prevenció de generació de residus, la reutilització i el reciclatge.
El Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020 té la missió de fomentar la reducció de deixalles a la ciutat involucrant tots els agents implicats (ciutadania, empreses, comerços, entitats, associacions i administracions).
El Pla de Prevenció de Residus Municipals 2012-2020 té la missió de fomentar la reducció de deixalles a la ciutat involucrant tots els agents implicats (ciutadania, empreses, comerços, entitats, associacions i administracions).
The Zero Waste Strategy adopted in 2016 aims to improve the quality of recycled products and, more specifically, of organic matter. This is to be done by reducing the amount of waste produced, reusing products and efficient recycling of waste. And all this in accordance with the motto of the Zero Waste Strategy: the best waste is the one that isn't created in the first place.
Spain’s second largest area just released its zero waste strategy plan with clear objectives for 2025.
Over the course of five days, local workshops, research centers, design agencies and local producers in the neighbourhood was connected into an ecosystem. Biologists, tech professionals, local makers, craftsmen, IKEA designers, and other trailblazers gathered in Barcelona for the project and collected wasted products from the streets of Poblenou in order to breath new life into materials that were heading to landfill.
Residents living around Plaça del Sol joke that theirs is the only square where, despite the name, rain is preferable. Rain means fewer people gather to socialise and drink, reducing noise for the flats overlooking the square. Residents know this with considerable precision because they’ve developed a digital platform for measuring noise levels and mobilising action. I was told the joke by Remei, one of the residents who, with her ‘citizen scientist’ neighbours, are challenging assumptions about Big Data and the Smart City.