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ReGen Villages, patent-pending VillageOS™ operating system software and ReGenerative Villages Simulator™ will enable the replication and global scaling of regenerative resiliency to meet the challenges of safe, healthy and secure communities in dynamically changing times.
Welcome to Akvopedia, a free, open-sourced water, sanitation & hygiene resource (in addition to food security knowledge) that anyone can edit. Here you will find smart and affordable technologies and approaches in rural or urban settings. Project teams can learn more about financing, constructing, and maintaining a project in order to keep it functioning and stable for the long term. Some pages are translated in up to 9 languages (upper right of each page may have language flags), as we are increasing new translations continually. We also have the Google translator on each page. It will translate any English page into more than 90 languages. It cannot translate our hand-translated pages, only the English versions of those pages.
We're helping food growers build better soil and adopt sustainable growing practices, while working together to gather soil moisture data from around Europe, to help society adapt to extreme climate events.
Affordable Land (or ‘Community Land’) is a form of leasehold that precludes speculation, and so allows councils to license land as a low-cost platform for society and the economy, instead of simply selling it to land traders. It requires no government borrowing, no new legislation and it can exist alongside the existing property market.
Sustainable Architecture, Building school, Eco housing, Evolved homes, sustainability, self sufficiency, Michael Reynolds, green housing
Reliable and affordable communications in rural and remote places where access to Internet is difficult or non-existent due to isolation or disaster – places generally extremely limited in their back-haul and energy options – as it is too expensive to rent satellite capacity and too slow to install terrestrial links, as well as with regards to access to electricity.
Hacking Ecology aims to promote global access to high accuracy water monitoring systems using the most powerful open source tools to make it possible.
An exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, and events outdoors in Hyllie, Malmo, from 1 July to 27 August 2017
CycleX designates its 23 acres farmland in Andes, New York as an open space/farm-medialab which will invite artists, cultural workers, inventors, scholars, and farmers from around the world to create, nurture, and grow ideas/food through its residency program.
Já pensou se você pudesse ter uma pequena usina hidrelétrica em casa, para gerar a sua própria energia e não precisar pagar quase nada de luz? Dois jovens curitibanos inventaram uma micro usina “caseira”, capaz de abastecer uma casa e ainda sobrar energia. Não dá para instalar em qualquer lugar, mas é uma ideia inovadora.
A bióloga goiana Nathália Machado ensina e mostra na prática a sua Agrofloresta que nasceu há 6 meses no Jardim América
Indígenas wampi se uniram para defender seu território da mineração ilegal e da contaminação por combustíveis, entre outras ameaças
RetroSuburbia is part manual and part manifesto. The book shows how Australian suburbs can be transformed to become productive and resilient in an energy descent future. It focuses on what can be done by an individual at the household level (rather than community or government levels).
RetroSuburbia is a source of inspiration, introducing concepts and outlining patterns and practical solutions. It empowers people to make positive changes in their lives. As with David’s previous work, it is thought provoking and provocative.
RetroSuburbia is a source of inspiration, introducing concepts and outlining patterns and practical solutions. It empowers people to make positive changes in their lives. As with David’s previous work, it is thought provoking and provocative.
Atualmente umas das frentes de atuação da FEC na área de saneamento descentralizado é o projeto” Saneamento Rural”, projeto de pesquisa e extensão que visa desenvolver ações de pesquisa e extensão universitária na área de saneamento rural, especialmente no âmbito do esgotamento sanitário. Atualmente as ações são realizadas junto à comunidade rural de Pedra Branca, em Campinas, SP.