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Picture Wall - 112 pics
LEVIATHAN Trailer Episode 8: Cris, Sandra, Papa, Jasmine - Long (By Shezad Dawood) on Vimeo
Shezad Dawood: Leviathan: From the Forest to the Sea — Corridor8
No Disaster Is Natural: How investigating climate change adaptation could make a difference
Investigating Climate Change Adaptation: Methods and Principles
A Falsa Paz de Ubatuba – Espraiada
Greentech Alliance
Social Science Centre, Lincoln: An experiment in free, co-operative higher education / Radical Philosophy
Democratically controlled, co-operative higher education | openDemocracy
Fairbnb.coop - A smart and fair solution for community powered tourism
How Village Co-ops Are Remapping China’s Rural Communities
O Filme que Virou Aldeia - VICE
Catalysing innovative ideas and approaches to maintain biodiversity
Tortuga Guardian – Red abierta de sensores de monitoreo de la calidad del agua marina
Aprenda a fazer um carregador de celular movido a vento para sua bike | Hypeness – Inovação e criatividade para todos.
Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain
How Innovative Funding Models Could Usher in a New Era of Worker-Owned Platform Cooperatives
Barcelona Energia flicks the switch | Info Barcelona | Barcelona City Council
'Andar nos ensina a desobedecer' diz filósofo francês
Artists on the water, a history of pirate ships
A dialética da inovação – Ricardo Ruiz – Medium
Social Ecology: Communalism against Climate Chaos
Jameson Lopp :: Bitcoin Resources
The Product Manager’s guide to the Blockchain — Part 1
Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble - NYTimes.com
A política do comum e do protótipo. Duas alternativas ao mal-estar contemporâneo. Entrevista especial com Henrique Parra - Instituto Humanitas Unisinos - IHU
Google’s plan to revolutionise cities is a takeover in all but name | Techn
Writing a Local Economic Blueprint - REconomy : REconomy
Projet oasis | Mouvement Colibris
Folk high school - Wikipedia
The next wave of computing
Revealed: the insidious creep of pseudo-public space in London
L’Atelier Paysan - Coopérative d’autoconstruction
Creating an Innovation Hub in Rural Thailand | StartSomeGood
The Promise of Lean Experimentation (SSIR)
Percurso em Educação – MARÉ Ubatuba – Medium
A new project is underway in Barcelona – BComú Global – Medium
Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition | Stanford Social Innovation Review
Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with 'topics' as country reforms its education system | The Independent
Conflict and Transgression
Engineering Serendipity
Methodolatry and the Art of Measure
Frontpage - MindLab
Prototipos de espacios públicos “cyborg”, por hackitectura.net 2003-2010 | Arquitectura contable
In Paris for climate talks, city and regional leaders look to strike deals of their own | Citiscope
Who owns our cities – and why this urban takeover should concern us all
DiY: The mosquito hunt : Makery
Do it Yourself with solidary bikes
Where is the Instagram for Audio?
Unidades de Conservação do Litoral Norte
Public space, civilization and the self (long)
Critical Design / Design Fiction lecture finally written up. (loooooong)
Dialogos Creativos - "Del Cibermundo al Barrio"
Urbanismo Emergente, Ciudadanía y Esfera Digital
The Maker economy can’t fix everything
Instituto Ciência Hoje — Viagem no tempo on-line e de graça Mapas não são...
Pee-powered fuel cell turns urine to energy
Teens Create A Way To Use Urine As Fuel - Forbes
? rio lerma fragmentos h264 - YouTube
¿Plagio, apropiacionismo o desconocimiento? >> El arte en la edad del silicio >> Blogs EL PAÍS
Manu Prakash: A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami | Talk Video | TED
Precious Plastic open-source recycling machines | design | Dezeen
Introdução à Permacultura Urbana - Wikiversidade
How Online Mapmakers Are Helping the Red Cross Save Lives in the Philippines - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic
Is art really to blame for gentrification? | openDemocracy
Cessão de Dados | CPLA - Sistema Ambiental Paulista - Governo de SP
Access Space, Sheffield, UK – One of NESTA’s New Radicals 2012 | Richard Bolam Digital Media
BBC News - When recycling is the second-best option
Ole Scheeren's Floating Cinema in Thailand is Made of Recycled Materials | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
United Micro Kingdoms (UMK): A Design Fiction
Timeless on Vimeo
Jane Jacobs Was Right: Gradual Redevelopment Does Promote Community - Eric Jaffe - The Atlantic Cities
Why New York City's Open Data Law Is Worth Caring About - Sarah Goodyear - The Atlantic Cities
How Free Transit Works in the United States - Eric Jaffe - The Atlantic Cities
The smart electric bike.
messy city
Create beautiful dynamic data driven maps | CartoDB
What is a FabLab? | openp2pdesign.org
Urban Fabric Sheffield
SOY CÁMARA. El programa del CCCB (21) // Europa Ciudad (tráiler) on Vimeo
Low-tech Magazine: Cargo cyclists replace truck drivers on European city streets
Quantum GIS (QGIS) Tutorials
Customizing OSM map with osm2postgresql & QGIS - YouTube
Tutorial Introdutório ao OpenStreetMap - YouTube
Soñé que era un Dj de calles (ciudades copyleft) | Código abierto
I.B.M. Takes ‘Smarter Cities’ Concept to Rio de Janeiro - NYTimes.com
Priti Baiks - José Castrellón
cartografia ciudadana | Scoop.it
Experimental Geography: From Cultural Production to the Production of Space - The Brooklyn Rail
OpenIDEO - Home
Lindas e precárias: cidades turísticas de São Paulo enfrentam problemas « Blog da Raquel Rolnik
Low-tech Magazine: Pedal powered farms and factories: the forgotten future of the stationary bicycle
Low-tech Magazine: Bike powered electricity generators are not sustainable
BBC News - Google to amend Rio maps over Brazil favela complaints
Common Cycles – A Bamboo Bike Company Wants You to Run It | Cyclocross Magazine – Cyclocross News, Races, Bikes, Photos, Videos
BIKE POWER: The Pedal-Powered Cell Phone Charger | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
Creating Beautiful Maps for Drupal with TileMill | Development Seed
osmtracker-android - Project Hosting on Google Code
Guias de campo | Guias de Campo
Why and how I switched to a standing desk
ubatuba no espaço
Building a Smarter Favela: IBM Signs Up Rio | Fast Company
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Earth Engine
Apresentando: rede de turismo solidário e comunitário. « …cyrano disse,
A guide to geostatistical mapping with open-source tools
Open_Sailing: 3. Energy_Animal001
Welcome | Transition Network
Water Great Idea! Awesome Amphibious DIY Bicycle | Gadgets, Science & Technology
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