The Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

June 8, 2021

This is ThinkWiki, the Wikipedia for IBM and Lenovo ThinkPad users. In here, you can find anything you need to install your favourite Linux distribution on your ThinkPad. Windows users shouldn't run away, there's a lot of useful information for them as well. Some Linux information for Mac users also can be found here.
Job creation in the re-use sector: Data insights from social enterprises | RREUSE
This briefing outlines the value that social economy enterprises bring to the circular economy in terms of job creation, focussing on the upper levels of the waste hierarchy, notably re-use and preparation for re-use activities. Social enterprises are crucial for a just and green transition towards a resilient low-carbon economy, given their activities to curb the use of resources whilst providing local and inclusive employment opportunities and services.
Repair Manuals for Every Thing - iFixit
In most cases, a guide on iFixit shows the removal of a specific component for replacement. The guide shows step-by-step what must be done to open the device and remove the broken component. Since reassembly is usually just the reverse of disassembly, you don’t need to write reassembly steps. By default, each guide automatically concludes:
Kollage Kollectiv
Kollage Kollective are a Berlin-based art collective composed of autodidactic multimedia explorers with a shared vision and driven by a strong ethos. We transform recycled materials into interactive installations through innovative design, engineering and technology.

The fundamental truth of our times is that resources are finite. Thinking in cyclical rather than linear terms can change that, reusing and repurposing disposables to maximize their potential, we artistically demonstrate how trash is a source of inspiration and wish to democratize the making of art.

All our modules operate as platforms to present our digital artwork. 3D visuals are fabricated using creative coding skills and synchronized with sounds. We fuse different media through the hacking of machines and sensors. This technique invites people to engage on a multisensory level for a dynamic experience.