6552 shaares
33 results
Hydroelectric turbines for green, decentralized energy.
This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline.
Solarpunk is everything from a positive imagining of our collective futures to actually creating it: aesthetics, afrofuturism, art, cooperatives, DIY, ecological restoration, engineering, fiction, futurism, gardening, geodesic domes, green architecture, green design, green energy, ingenuous indigenous practices, intentional community, maker spaces, materials science, music, permaculture, repair cafes, solar, solar power, sustainability, tree planting, urban planning, volunteering, 3D printing...
In 2012, the publication of the Brazilian sci-fi anthology "Solarpunk: Histórias ecológicas e fantásticas em um mundo sustentável" marked the expansion of the speculative fiction genre beyond the English-speaking world. From there the internet began to build, embellish, critique, and diversify an aesthetic theme and a corresponding techno-environmentalist outlook on sustainable development.
Já pensou se você pudesse ter uma pequena usina hidrelétrica em casa, para gerar a sua própria energia e não precisar pagar quase nada de luz? Dois jovens curitibanos inventaram uma micro usina “caseira”, capaz de abastecer uma casa e ainda sobrar energia. Não dá para instalar em qualquer lugar, mas é uma ideia inovadora.
/via Nicolau da Pleno Sol
/via Jose Neto, #metareciclagem
/via Vince, na #bricolabs
/via Vince, na #bricolabs