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We design and build products from excess fabrics and waste.
Kollage Kollective are a Berlin-based art collective composed of autodidactic multimedia explorers with a shared vision and driven by a strong ethos. We transform recycled materials into interactive installations through innovative design, engineering and technology.
The fundamental truth of our times is that resources are finite. Thinking in cyclical rather than linear terms can change that, reusing and repurposing disposables to maximize their potential, we artistically demonstrate how trash is a source of inspiration and wish to democratize the making of art.
All our modules operate as platforms to present our digital artwork. 3D visuals are fabricated using creative coding skills and synchronized with sounds. We fuse different media through the hacking of machines and sensors. This technique invites people to engage on a multisensory level for a dynamic experience.
The fundamental truth of our times is that resources are finite. Thinking in cyclical rather than linear terms can change that, reusing and repurposing disposables to maximize their potential, we artistically demonstrate how trash is a source of inspiration and wish to democratize the making of art.
All our modules operate as platforms to present our digital artwork. 3D visuals are fabricated using creative coding skills and synchronized with sounds. We fuse different media through the hacking of machines and sensors. This technique invites people to engage on a multisensory level for a dynamic experience.
Fundació Formació i Treball, la Fundació CHM Salut Mental i el Departament d'Arts Visuals i Disseny de la Universitat de Barcelona, col·laboren al projecte de reutilització, reciclatge i economia circular 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
Convertir soles de sabata, plàstics que provenen de restes de joguines o roba usada, en productes innovadors, com ara safates de cultiu hidropònic, un rascador de gats, un tendal o un gronxador, no és qüestió de màgia, sinó qüestió de consciència, creativitat i cocreació entre diversos agents. Si a més, a aquesta iniciativa, amb una clara vocació mediambiental, se li suma el valor social que aporta, el resultat és el projecte 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
Convertir soles de sabata, plàstics que provenen de restes de joguines o roba usada, en productes innovadors, com ara safates de cultiu hidropònic, un rascador de gats, un tendal o un gronxador, no és qüestió de màgia, sinó qüestió de consciència, creativitat i cocreació entre diversos agents. Si a més, a aquesta iniciativa, amb una clara vocació mediambiental, se li suma el valor social que aporta, el resultat és el projecte 'Parelles Creatives - Trastos vells'.
The Haul Earth Ledger is an opensource fundraising platform aiming to facilitate the transition from a consumer society to a creative, inventive, expressive society. Drawing from similar efforts before it like the Whole Earth Catalog, the Ledger collects tutorials which look at consumer goods as raw materials for further experimentation.
In doing so, the team aims to question the power of the few remaining consumer brands out there clinging to power, while ensuring the lifecycle of these devices is extended to the best of our community's capacity. This, we hope can contribute acknowledging and alleviating the burden our lifestyles have been for our home, the Earth.
In doing so, the team aims to question the power of the few remaining consumer brands out there clinging to power, while ensuring the lifecycle of these devices is extended to the best of our community's capacity. This, we hope can contribute acknowledging and alleviating the burden our lifestyles have been for our home, the Earth.
Simple ideas, basic skills and everyday materials that help repair & transform your old objects.
Alle StW-design-Objekte werden von dem in London geborenen Künstler Stuart N.R. Wolfe als Einzelstücke entworfen und individuell in einer Berliner Werkstatt in Handarbeit gefertigt.
The lifecycle of your phone has big impacts on the planet.
Upcycling Deluxe ist der größte Onlineshop für Upcycling Design in Deutschland. Entdecke eine ganze Welt voller ungewöhnlicher wiederverwendeter Materialien, denen mit liebevoller Handarbeit in Entwicklungsländern zu neuem leben verholfen wird. Damit helfen wir nicht nur aktiv bei der Wiederverwertung von Müll, wo es keine Recycling-Möglichkeiten gibt, sondern wir stärken gleichzeitig auch lokale Wirtschaft um Armut zu bekämpfen.
Upcycling vs. Recycling
Unter Upcycling versteht man die kreative Wiederverwertung vermeintlich nicht mehr brauchbarer Materialien und Reststoffe in Form von neuen Designs. Die Ausgangsmaterialien werden – im Gegensatz zum Recycling – durch die neue, hochwertige Verarbeitung aufgewertet und sind daher neu hergestellten Produkten mindestens ebenbürtig. So werden ausrangierte Ölfässer zu einzigartigen Lampen und alte Zementsäcke zu Laptophüllen umfunktioniert.
Upcycling vs. Recycling
Unter Upcycling versteht man die kreative Wiederverwertung vermeintlich nicht mehr brauchbarer Materialien und Reststoffe in Form von neuen Designs. Die Ausgangsmaterialien werden – im Gegensatz zum Recycling – durch die neue, hochwertige Verarbeitung aufgewertet und sind daher neu hergestellten Produkten mindestens ebenbürtig. So werden ausrangierte Ölfässer zu einzigartigen Lampen und alte Zementsäcke zu Laptophüllen umfunktioniert.
Don’t let the name fool you: WesternTrash is waste-neutral and 100% sustainable. The materials are upcycled or recyclable, the packaging is reusable, and bottles are sourced locally in Berlin. It’s about taking trash out of the system without putting any back.
Für Upcycling schlägt mein Herz! Materialien, die eigentlich Müll sind, inspirieren mich zu neuen Designs. Wir brauchen mehr Ideen, statt mehr Ressourcen!
Re-cycling findet immer statt, früh oder spät, mit oder ohne unser Einverständnis. Upcycling dagegen öffnet den geschlossenen Kreis des Recyclings, um ihn in eine aufsteigende Spirale zu verwandeln: Obsoletes neu zu arrangieren, damit etwas Besseres entsteht, etwas Überlegenes. Dies geschieht nicht ohne menschliche Entscheidung, ohne Kurswechsel, ohne Politik.
Bordalo II, artista plástico Lisbonense, cria e recria a partir do nosso lixo. Faz arte. Conheça o artista português que nos confronta com o nosso consumismo.
Circular economy concepts are giving new hope to our planet which is littered with post-consumer waste – all manner of plastics, PET bottles, textiles and countless other materials which are the byproducts of excessive consumption.
Deko Eko wants to contribute to this significant change by accelerating the development of a circular economy marketplace. We propose an innovative upcycling platform which will completely change the way you think about waste. We turn waste into profit by facilitating the highest possible jump in value – from zero to a market-ready product.
Deko Eko wants to contribute to this significant change by accelerating the development of a circular economy marketplace. We propose an innovative upcycling platform which will completely change the way you think about waste. We turn waste into profit by facilitating the highest possible jump in value – from zero to a market-ready product.
Our vision of Green Fablab (or Hackerspace, or Makespace) is that in these geographically distributed spaces, they can be considered not only as a fabrication spaces, but also a recycling, remanufacturing and refurbishing places in order to contribute to a more circular economy
The project aims to create a social infrastructure, the Waste Fab Lab, to be implemented in the urban context. It will be a place where new jobs will be created in order to manage, repair, prepare for
Over the course of five days, local workshops, research centers, design agencies and local producers in the neighbourhood was connected into an ecosystem. Biologists, tech professionals, local makers, craftsmen, IKEA designers, and other trailblazers gathered in Barcelona for the project and collected wasted products from the streets of Poblenou in order to breath new life into materials that were heading to landfill.
The Fab City Global Initiative demonstrates our unique, multiscale way of working in the Full Stack Model . The Full Stack explains how the systems change from PITO to DIDO can be applied at the citizen, city and global level, enabled by shared values and physical infrastructure.
Association loi de 1901, Les Chantiers Valoristes ont une double vocation :
- Faciliter le parcours d'insertion de personnes, parmi les plus éloignées de l'emploi,
par l'activité économique.
- Développer le réemploi de matériaux ou de produits initialement destinés à l'enfouissement ou l'incinération.
Ainsi Les Chantiers Valoristes contribuent d'une part à remettre des personnes sur le chemin
de l'emploi,et d'autre part à promouvoir le Développement Durable.
- Faciliter le parcours d'insertion de personnes, parmi les plus éloignées de l'emploi,
par l'activité économique.
- Développer le réemploi de matériaux ou de produits initialement destinés à l'enfouissement ou l'incinération.
Ainsi Les Chantiers Valoristes contribuent d'une part à remettre des personnes sur le chemin
de l'emploi,et d'autre part à promouvoir le Développement Durable.
L'agent(e) valoriste ou technicien(ne) de réemploi est un professionnel du réemploi, du recyclage et de la valorisation des encombrants. Il valorise et revend les objets collectés.
We’re not content with teaching repair skills in the community – we want to generate a repair revolution. This means changing the way people use and dispose of resources, encouraging manufacturers to build things to last and to be fixable, and making sure the facilities are in place to allow people to repair and reuse.