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1067 results
Beyond the so-called ‘Alt-right’ and its attendant milieus on 4chan and Reddit, memes have passed the post-digital threshold and entered new theoretical, practical, and geographical territories beyond the stereotypical young, white, male, western subject. As they metastasized from the digital periphery to the mainstream, memes have seethed with mutant energy. From now on, any historical event will be haunted by its memetic double. Our responses to memes in the new decade demand an analogous virtuality.
Vitória Cribb
Prompt de Comando, 2019
10' 47"
Render 3D, animação 3D, simulação 3D
1920x1080 FULL HD
Prompt de Comando, 2019
10' 47"
Render 3D, animação 3D, simulação 3D
1920x1080 FULL HD
Finally how did Moscoso apply the metaphor of the actual city of Liverpool as a port with the human body? “Liverpool’s position as a port and hub of cross-cultural encounters, circulation, distribution and global transnational mobility – along with its difficult history of humans forcibly moved from Africa to the Americas and beyond – is central to the narrative of this edition. It is a bringing-together of the near and far with notions of movement and digestion; the stomach’s role within the body and the movement from inside to outside, on a global scale.”
This course would foster ecological literacy, and a whole-systems understanding of the world.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
It would reunite two worlds that have been sundered: wisdom traditions from other places and times, and the latest insights of systems thinking and complexity science.
The course would expose students to complex interactions between life-forms, rocks, atmosphere, and water. It would help them discover that the entire Earth is animated by interactions among systems at different geographical and temporal scales.
The experience of mapping biotic communities would teach them that everything is connected – from sub-microscopic viruses, to the vast subsoil networks that support trees.
Art, in the new course, would ensure that students connect with living systems emotionally, and not just rationally.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create your own presentations using reveal.js and share them online via GitHub Pages. What makes reveal.js so fun? Check out their examples online to get a sense of what can be done! Nested slides, Auto-Animate, syntax-highlighted code, and much more.
You are entering a Critical Zone! The Critical Zone is just a few kilometers thick. It is the only region of the Earth that has been transformed by life over many eons. The digital exhibition Critical Zones is dedicated to the critical situation of this fragile membrane of life. As more works and contributions are added, it will grow and change continuously. It is linked to a physical exhibition at ZKM | Karlsruhe, which will open in the course of summer 2020. Welcome! Read more
A privacy focused extension to annotate, search and organize what you've seen online.
Planet Earth senses itself through a gigantic swarm of satellites and a multitude of smart city sensors scans the flows below and above its surface. The mechanical viewpoints of our phones observe, sense, and analyse our bodies and biologies while tracking our movements. As algorithms influence our behaviour, real-time surveillance technologies are shaping politics in a profound way from Harare to Beirut, and from Lagos to Beijing.
A ‘sensorium’ describes the combined system of perception that an organism has to sense its surroundings. Has a planetary sensorium emerged in which a worldwide technological megastructure of cameras, sensors, laser lights, and ultrasonic waves gestures towards new organic and synthetic entanglements?
To imagine a Planetary Sensorium is to both acknowledge and re-imagine our conception of Planet Earth. As increasingly sophisticated technologies are created to sense the world, the Planetary Sensorium is drastically shifting people's worldview in return. Infrastructural networks and logistics of pipelines, high speed rails, and fibre optic cables have informed the worldview of earth as an interconnected and globalised whole in service of a specific mono-culture of technology. This in turn produces its own geopolitical realities, impacting how people’s lives are governed across the world.
The current planetary sensorial apparatus — sonic, tactile, visual, affective, and embodied — can help us to imagine alternate possibilities for the digital planet and new ways of living together. As the planet flows through human, technical agents, and other beings, a question then emerges: for which Earth do we create our intellectual, cultural, and artistic interventions?
The theme is inspired by the philosophical work of Lukáš Likavčan.
The Digital Earth Fellowship 2020 - 2021 will focus on investigating The Planetary Sensorium and how we can imagine a humane digital earth to come.
A ‘sensorium’ describes the combined system of perception that an organism has to sense its surroundings. Has a planetary sensorium emerged in which a worldwide technological megastructure of cameras, sensors, laser lights, and ultrasonic waves gestures towards new organic and synthetic entanglements?
To imagine a Planetary Sensorium is to both acknowledge and re-imagine our conception of Planet Earth. As increasingly sophisticated technologies are created to sense the world, the Planetary Sensorium is drastically shifting people's worldview in return. Infrastructural networks and logistics of pipelines, high speed rails, and fibre optic cables have informed the worldview of earth as an interconnected and globalised whole in service of a specific mono-culture of technology. This in turn produces its own geopolitical realities, impacting how people’s lives are governed across the world.
The current planetary sensorial apparatus — sonic, tactile, visual, affective, and embodied — can help us to imagine alternate possibilities for the digital planet and new ways of living together. As the planet flows through human, technical agents, and other beings, a question then emerges: for which Earth do we create our intellectual, cultural, and artistic interventions?
The theme is inspired by the philosophical work of Lukáš Likavčan.
The Digital Earth Fellowship 2020 - 2021 will focus on investigating The Planetary Sensorium and how we can imagine a humane digital earth to come.
Gravando e transmitindo ao vivo com OBS STUDIO (Videoaula 01 - Introdução)
Shadowing gives memory to city lights, enabling them to record and play back the shadows of those who passed underneath
Artista visual e educador , aborda as questões ligadas ao uso das novas tecnologias e a sua desconstrução.
Realiza oficinas e workshops de tecnologia experimental para adultos e crianças.
Atualmente se dedica ao TinkerLabBR um laboratório maker itinerante que envolve microcontroladores, computadores, desconstrução de objetos de baixa tecnologia, brinquedos chineses e artigos de lojas de R$ 1.99 para criação de traquitanas interativas.
Realiza oficinas e workshops de tecnologia experimental para adultos e crianças.
Atualmente se dedica ao TinkerLabBR um laboratório maker itinerante que envolve microcontroladores, computadores, desconstrução de objetos de baixa tecnologia, brinquedos chineses e artigos de lojas de R$ 1.99 para criação de traquitanas interativas.