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Pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change have all resulted from current lifestyles. Reversing course and getting people to act sustainably requires more than information, technology and new laws, particularly when change is in the hands of individuals. This is why Behaven works with governments and businesses to harness the power of behavioural science to make people actors of sustainability, and encourage the behaviours that benefit society and the planet the most.
Diese Arbeit zeigt anhand von drei exemplarischen Produkten wie reparierbares Produktdesign aussieht. Zehn Richtlinien klären dabei über notwendige Vorraussetzungen auf und motivieren Nutzende, sich selbst an der Reparatur zu versuchen.
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We’re a Berlin-based impact and tech startup that aims to accelerate the transformation towards a circular economy. To achieve this, our team digitizes and simplifies circular services and processes with our software platform and partnership options – for electronics and other products.
The EU is currently engaged in two transformations that could change our economy and society for the better. If managed well, and in unison, the circular economy and the digital revolution could help the EU address its greatest challenge: to build a sustainable, green economy that is competitive on the global stage.
ISO/AWI 59040
Circular Economy — Product Circularity Data Sheet
Circular Economy — Product Circularity Data Sheet
Materiaalitori is intended for the professional exchange of waste and production side streams from companies and organisations. Materiaalitori also allows searching for and offering related services, such as waste management and specialist services. Those working in the field can use Materiaalitori transparently and free of charge.
Jotta erilaiset teollisuuden, rakentamisen ja purkutoiminnan sivuvirrat saadaan tehokkaasti kiertämään ja synnytettyä tästä kannattavaa liiketoimintaa, tarvitaan tietoa hyödyntämiskelpoisista materiaaleista sekä niiden volyymeista, ominaisuuksista ja sijainnista.
Digitaaliset alustat voivat toimia materiaalien markkinapaikkoina ja edistää markkinoiden syntymistä, uusia tuoteinnovaatioita sekä erilaisten palveluiden käyttöä ja kehittämistä.
Digitaaliset alustat voivat toimia materiaalien markkinapaikkoina ja edistää markkinoiden syntymistä, uusia tuoteinnovaatioita sekä erilaisten palveluiden käyttöä ja kehittämistä.
The Circular Economy WG is a key GAIA-X forum for national collaboration to explore business-driven opportunities to merge business goals with sustainability targets. The CE WG will be an active forum bridging the gap between latest research outcomes with business needs for new economic competitiveness in the fields of e.g. smart and sustainable supply chain management, meeting the climate targets for businesses and other stakeholders.
We are building standards, ground rules and infrastructure based on European values for a data ecosystem that openly shares data, promoting Europe’s well-being and competitiveness.
The circular economy is a crucial component of a climate-neutral future. One of the main obstacles to building a circular economy is the lack of information transfer across supply chains. Without any or inadequate access to data about the origin, make-up and design of products, it is impossible for producers, consumers and recyclers to adopt more circular, sustainable practices. Aligning the ongoing green transition and digital transformation carries the potential to overcome this barrier.
Digitalisation will not automatically lead to greater sustainability. Nor is the inclusion of cutting-edge technologies in the circular economy a given.
But with the right encouragement and incentives from the EU, data and digitally-enabled solutions can accelerate and boost the transition to a sustainable circular economy. They can enhance connectivity and information sharing; make business models, products and processes more circular; and empower citizens and consumers to contribute to the transition. They can be used to improve different segments of the circular economy, including design, production, consumption, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and overall waste management and recycling.
But with the right encouragement and incentives from the EU, data and digitally-enabled solutions can accelerate and boost the transition to a sustainable circular economy. They can enhance connectivity and information sharing; make business models, products and processes more circular; and empower citizens and consumers to contribute to the transition. They can be used to improve different segments of the circular economy, including design, production, consumption, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and overall waste management and recycling.
Circular solutions, practices and business models will become the mainstream out of necessity. Join us to keep up with the development!