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IBM will no longer offer general purpose facial recognition or analysis software, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said in a letter to Congress today. The company will also no longer develop or research the technology, IBM tells The Verge. Krishna addressed the letter to Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Reps. Karen Bass (D-CA), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY).
In the Spring 2020 semester the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy at The New School presented “Who Owns the World? Cooperative Alternatives to Surveillance Capitalism Now!” to introduce students at The New School, and members of the public, to the cooperative digital economy as a global movement that is building a concrete and near-term alternative to crony capitalism and the burning problem of economic inequality.
Students engaged with a range of guest speakers working on varying aspects of an alternative digital economy, from resistance against data colonialism, to cooperative ownership, democratic governance of digital platforms, to cryptocurrencies, distributed ledgers like Blockchain, and a slew of other topics. These guest lectures were livestreamed via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Chapter. The series was cut short after 8 sessions, due to COVID-19.
Students engaged with a range of guest speakers working on varying aspects of an alternative digital economy, from resistance against data colonialism, to cooperative ownership, democratic governance of digital platforms, to cryptocurrencies, distributed ledgers like Blockchain, and a slew of other topics. These guest lectures were livestreamed via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Chapter. The series was cut short after 8 sessions, due to COVID-19.
How we went from B.F. Skinner to China's social credit system.
Despite Justin Trudeau’s exclamation that, through a partnership with Google’s sister company Sidewalk Labs, the waterfront neighborhood could help turn the area into a “thriving hub for innovation”, questions immediately arose over how the new wired town would collect and protect data.
A year into the project, those questions have resurfaced following the resignation of a privacy expert, Dr Ann Cavoukian, who claimed she left her consulting role on the initiative to “send a strong statement” about the data privacy issues the project still faces.
A year into the project, those questions have resurfaced following the resignation of a privacy expert, Dr Ann Cavoukian, who claimed she left her consulting role on the initiative to “send a strong statement” about the data privacy issues the project still faces.