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We wanted to create a game that would resonate with the experience of real people. The story mode of Common’hood is a story based on real world events, as factories fail and become abandoned, many citizens lose their jobs, get evicted and end up in the street. In a way we are talking of communities at the edge of homelessness. Debt is problem for many and we wanted to create a game that would give a sense of hope in terms of the empowerment obtained from making things with your own hands. The work of Ron Finley, has been particularly inspirational. Common’hood tries to engage real issues and share recipes for autonomous communities to become empowered and resilient. We hope to be able to develop a community around the game and grow the project organically for many years.
In January 2020, FutureEverything, George P. Johnson and Cisco Refresh co-hosted an interactive makerspace exploring themes of the circular economy with over 1,000 participants. The makerspace, commissioned by George P. Johnson on behalf of Cisco, popped up at Cisco Live 2020, Barcelona (Cisco’s annual conference and expo attracting nearly 20,000 delegates each year) inviting attendees to reimagine and repurpose e-waste in creative ways.
a blog by greg giannis
Dundee – 3D printer being used to produce items to aid in storytelling for those with additional needs, also for producing items for reminiscence packs etc. Launched 20th May 2014, becoming the first 3D printer in a public library in the UK, bearing Exeter by two days.
How is the maker scene doing in the largest city of the European Union? Makery made the rounds of the digital fabrication spaces, less fablabs than makerspaces.