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ZUM-Apps ist ein kostenloser Online-Speicher der Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet für interaktive H5P-Inhalte. Wir laden Dich ein, diese Inhalte zu nutzen oder selbst welche zu erstellen oder hochzuladen.
Lumi is a desktop app that allows you to create, edit, view and share interactive content with dozens of different content types. It's free and open source.
Just some notes for my “H5P!? The very basics” session at OERcamp global 2021. Don’t expect all of this to be self-explanatory if you come across it by chance 😀
The specification for the H5P file format consists of 5 important components.
Create, share, and adopt educational resources into your courses.
Currently, you can create interactive H5P resources, and build single-page, modular tutorial resources.
We will be continuously adding new resource types for you to create, including: course sites, digital textbooks, and quizzes.
Currently, you can create interactive H5P resources, and build single-page, modular tutorial resources.
We will be continuously adding new resource types for you to create, including: course sites, digital textbooks, and quizzes.
Create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser