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Every day, people are working to advance society. In their neighborhoods, in their region or around the world. They all aim to achieve the greatest possible social impact.
But what exactly is social impact? How can it be measured? Or even planned?
This website sheds light on these matters – to help you do a better job of doing good. Step by step. Everything here is barrier-free, free of charge, and there is no need to register.
But what exactly is social impact? How can it be measured? Or even planned?
This website sheds light on these matters – to help you do a better job of doing good. Step by step. Everything here is barrier-free, free of charge, and there is no need to register.
Social Business Model Canvas
Post Growth Toolkit [The Game] is an invitation to reprogram ourselves out of the economic growth orthodoxy. It proposes to literally reshuffle our world-views through a compilation of stories, concepts and tactics in order to stimulate new modes of understanding in the context of current environmental crises. It takes the form of a tactical card game inviting players to explore a number of key notions to facilitate collective debate. [+]
Kamel first became involved with the community in 1982 when she started an informal school. Since zabbaleen children accompany their fathers on forays to collect garbage from an early age, she designed the school so that attendance is flexible.
FairShares is a brand and development model for self-governing social enterprises operating as companies, co-operatives, partnerships and associations that integrate founder, worker, user and investor interests in ventures that build social solidarity and advance sustainable development.
The most widely adopted set of open and visual tools for designing ecosystem-platform strategies.
Critics of the ‘co-operative university’ have questioned our commitment to the idea of the ‘public university’. Indeed, co-operatives are anti-statist, but they also exceed the idea of ‘public ownership’ with that of ‘common ownership’, a social form of property that is the antithesis of the right of free alienability (which distinguishes capitalist private property). In short, co-operative higher education is entirely compatible with the idea of the ‘public’ if we reconceive it as an autonomous, open, democratically governed ‘commons’: An academic commons, democratically controlled by academic and support staff, students, cleaners and others.
Solarpunk is everything from a positive imagining of our collective futures to actually creating it: aesthetics, afrofuturism, art, cooperatives, DIY, ecological restoration, engineering, fiction, futurism, gardening, geodesic domes, green architecture, green design, green energy, ingenuous indigenous practices, intentional community, maker spaces, materials science, music, permaculture, repair cafes, solar, solar power, sustainability, tree planting, urban planning, volunteering, 3D printing...
The Luc Hoffmann Institute aims to be the world’s leading catalyst for innovation and transformative change to maintain biodiversity, the foundation for all life on Earth. We create the conditions for new approaches to emerge, identify and mobilise the most promising innovators and ideas, and provide a flow of impactful, de-risked and exciting initiatives for investors.
Resumo da tarde de atividades relacionadas à Incubadora de Projetos do CEU Ana Maria, na cidade de Santo André. Evento realizado em 10 de agosto de 2019.
RESUMO: Este artigo discute os conceitos de inovação, inovação social e inovação tecnológica com o intuito de analisar a dicotomia existente entre esses termos em suas epistemologias e práticas. Após um longo período em que inovação esteve relacionada a um processo social, a partir da segunda metade do século XX o termo passa a definir processos relacionados somente ao desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico. Recentemente, inovação social volta a ser discutida, embora muitas vezes adquira sentido restritivo às ações de combate à exclusão social e ao desgaste ambiental promovidos pela inovação tecnológica. Este estudo ressalta a importância desses conceitos caminharem juntos para a definição de políticas e estratégias para a inovação com foco na sustentabilidade do planeta. Para a melhor compreensão dos termos, uma análise bibliográfica e um estudo do caso da impressão 3D mostra como processos de inovação se relacionam tecno-socialmente, tanto em conceitos quanto em ações. O estudo apresenta uma matriz analítica que permite, por um lado, sistematizar e comparar esses conceitos e por outro, verificar como inovações sócio-técnicas promovem a sustentabilidade na esfera ambiental, social e econômica, e serve como subsídio para a construção de políticas para o setor. Ao final, percebe-se necessário estudos que consigam determinar e mensurar processos organizacionais de práticas sustentáveis nas esferas sociais e tecnológicas concomitantemente.
Existem inúmeros exemplos que demonstram a nossa capacidade para encontrar soluções inovadoras que melhoram o nosso bem-estar. Mas as inovações nem sempre são sinónimo de melhoria. De facto, alguns aspetos constituem uma evolução no mau sentido, na medida que nos afastam de um futuro sustentável. O desafio que enfrentamos reside em usar a nossa capacidade inovadora para restabelecer as nossas ligações com a biosfera (capítulo 1) e permanecer dentro dos limites de planeta (capítulo 2) a fim de salvaguardar o desenvolvimento humano a longo prazo. É tempo de introduzir inovações que têm em conta as interações fundamentais entre os sistemas sociais e ecológicos.
McKenzie Wark is a theorist who focuses on media and new media. He is interested in new media technology, intellectual property, computer games, and new media art and culture. He is the author of Spectacle of Dissintegration (2013), The Beach Beneath the Street (2011), A Hacker Manifesto (2004), and Gamer Theory (2007). This interview is exclusively about his latest book, Molecular Red, Theory for the Anthropocene (2015), which focuses on science fiction, labor, utopia and anthropocene.